Boise Basin Library, Idaho City
February 2th, 2014

Attendees:  Brent Adamson, Lynn Murdoch, Scott Jackson, Dee Woodstrom, Art Burget, Jon Long and Michelle Savoie-Garcia.
Other attendees:  Roy Doan & Ken Heintzman

Mr. Doan spoke about the 40 acre property behind one of the subdivisions and the trail that is used by many that go from the subdivision through this property.  He asked if the new owner would grant Duquette Pines HOA an easement.  Mr. Doan and Mr. Heintzman would like representation from the HOA to keep that access open.  The Board stated they would take that under advisement. 

Financials - Michelle Savoie-Garcia 

·       Presented the balance sheet as of 2-1-14.  Also presented the Profit & Loss Previous Year Comparison

·       Removed some liens

·       Filed small claims against a property owner for unpaid fees

·       Filed tax paperwork

·       Need to upgrade Quickbooks by May 2014

·       Gave an update on other past due HOA fees account.

·       Late fees email-Michelle has responded to him.

·       Brent Adamson’s request for reimbursement and a bill from underwriters (required maintenance) were submitted

Manager's Report - Jon Long

·       Ran generator, replaced a battery

·       Replaced heat lamps in water pump shed

·       Installed stake markers for winter plowing

·       Burned all of the slash piles on Lantern Way

·       Roads were plowed and sanded

·       Jon stated that people need to be aware of abusing others property rights

Old Business-

·       Lynn spoke about the CCR’s and where she is at with reviewing them.  She stated she will have more information at the next meeting.

·       Art spoke about converting one of the wells.  Brent will message the contact person again as he has not heard from him.

·       Michelle spoke about small claims and reaffirmed the process.  The Board stated that assessment fees are due & payable when you receive the bill and if you fall behind and the claim process goes to court, the total assessments and fees are due, in full, at that time. 

·       Mailboxes at the gate entrance – the Board is waiting for new Postmaster to discuss this with. 

·       Camera discussion for security at the gate. 

Next meeting: March 1, 2014, 8:30 am at the Boise Basin Library.