Boise Basin Library, Idaho City
March 1st, 2014
Attendees: Brent Adamson, Lynn Murdoch, Scott Jackson,
Dee Woodstrom, Jon Long and Michelle Savoie-Garcia.
Financials -
Michelle Savoie-Garcia
Presented the
balance sheet as of 3-1-14 and the Profit & Loss Comparison.
Had checks signed.
Gave an update on
unpaid fees.
Manager's Report - Jon Long
Ran generator for
Had roads plowed
several times last month.
A community well
homeowner has frozen pipes, this issue is on the homeowner’s property.
replacing the culvert on Meadow Drive at Bates driveway.
Talked about
putting gravel at the Lantern Way entrance as it is a mud hole. Also gravel across from that area, by Mann’s
Received an email
from property owner that feels someone stole gas from one of their vehicles and
would like to know if anyone else has had this happen recently.
There was
discussion concerning miner’s working on their claims behind subdivision #4. The miners are using the exits leaving
subdivison #4 to go back and forth to their claims. The Board also talked about damage they are
causing in the forest and the fire danger.
New Business-
Icy roads - Jon
Long stated he received emails concerning this.
Although we have to use our best judgment on whether to gravel or not
and when, sometimes it isn’t feasible to gravel just to have it snow or rain
the next day. For those who have lived
in the subdivisions a long time, the roads used to be pretty basic but the
Board has been very proactive, especially in recent years, on getting them to a
point where they are safe for travel.
Weather patterns are changing and so is how we are to deal with the
roads and other related issues. It costs
$1,500 each time the roads are graveled and we also have to take into
consideration the contractor’s equipment breakdowns or emergency issues that
can cause delays in getting the roads plowed or graveled.
Fire threats –
Emails from two property owners were concerning fire danger within the
subdivision and surrounding area. The
Board would like to get an organization of homeowners that would head up the
job of clean up/mitigation.
Postal boxes –
Brent handed out information on different types and costs. This will be a topic of discussion at the
annual meeting. Brent spoke to the
Idaho City Ranger and found out that we would need a special use permit to
place them just outside the gate as the property belongs to the Forest Service. There was discussion of doing a survey.
Well discussion –
Brent spoke with DEQ. The Board
discussed the use of a private well in Duquette Pines that could be converted
into part of the community water system.
The Board also needs to look at other options.
Building plans – Dahlen’s
submitted drawings for constructing a home in Duquette Pines #4. The Board will request a narrative as they
only received drawings and a color block.
Lynn Murdoch MOTIONED to accept the submission from Dahlen’s with the
condition that the Board receives more information from the owner before any
construction begins. Scott Jackson
SECONDED. All ayes, motion passed.
Annual meeting –
the meeting will be Friday, May 30th, tentatively at the Senior
Center in Idaho City from 7 – 8:30 pm.
One board member position (Dee Woodstrom) is open for election. HOA fees reminder statements and a newsletter
will be mailed out to the property owners within the next few weeks. Topics will include: fire suppression and/or
mitigation and clean-up day (to include roadside clearing of clustered or dead
Brent spoke about
the City of Idaho City wanting to enlarge their area of impact. The current presentation of the area of
impact includes Duquette Pines but…this is all in the “pre” stage.
Old Business-
is continuing to work on the CCR’s.
Next meeting:
April 5, 2014, 8:30 am at the Boise Basin Library.