Boise Basin Library, Idaho City
May 3rd, 2014
Attendees: Brent Adamson, Lynn Murdoch, Dee Woodstrom, Art
Burget and Michelle Savoie-Garcia.
Financials - Michelle
Presented balance
sheet as of 5-3-14 and the Profit & Loss Comparison.
Upgrade for quickbooks
is coming up. The Board may look into purchasing
a laptop for the Homeowners Association as the current bookkeeper, Michelle Savoie-Garcia,
will be leaving us sometime in August. Michelle
and Lynn have a person in mind to fill in for financials while Michelle is gone
for 2 years. They will contact that
person and the Board will make a decision after that discussion.
Manager's Report - Jon Long
Ran subdivision emergency generator.
Repaired outgoing gate.
Adjusted malfunction at gate.
Removed small trees overgrowing the roadway.
Began spring road grading which involved bringing gravel back to
the roadway from ditch areas.
Purchased materials for the Lantern Way gates and had some earth
work done on the area of the new gates. The ground was to wet to work
properly. Will do the earth work as soon as the ground dries out and will
install the gates at that time.
Suggestion: The Board should consider the need for dust abatement
for this year. If the weather stays dry we will need it soon.
New Business-
Dust abatement
discussion - Art Burget motioned to get bids for dust abatement and that Jon
and Dee will research what type to use and factors for what we want. Brent Adamson seconded. All ayes, motion passed.
The Board discussed
having an Operations Plan for the Duquette Pines water system. Also discussed having another certified
person for the well system, other than Brent.
The Board will address this in June or July.
The Board discussed
a letter from a property owner concerning a barking dog problem in the
neighborhood. Art Burget motioned to
send a letter to the dog owner concerning this.
Dee Woodstrom seconded. All ayes,
motion passed.
Lynn and Dave Murdoch
submitted plans for a deck and woodshed.
Brent Adamson motioned to approve the request. Art Burget seconded. All ayes, motion passed.
Discussion of
changing the gate code.
Board needs to get
newsletter information to Michelle mid-June for July mailing. The Board discussed putting a survey link in the
Old Business-
Annual meeting
discussion. Need someone (non-Board) to
head a committee for firewise and removal of fire hazard trees.
Lynn presented
information on CCR’s discussion.
Next Board meetings:
Annual meeting will be held Friday, May
30, 2014 from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm, Basin Senior Center on Bear Run Road, Idaho
City. June 21, 2014 will be next regular
Board meeting.