Boise Basin Library, Idaho City
October 4, 2014
Attendees: Brent
Adamson, Art Burget, Diane Cowles, Lynn Murdoch, Lisa Kindelberger and Jon Long.
Financials - Lisa Kindelberger
· Discussed
financials and reviewed reports.
· Discussed renewing
liens where appropriate.
Manager's Report - Jon Long
· Ran the backup
· Investigated
potential costs for enhancing water system.
· Removed slash.
· Repaired street
Old Business
· Willis
Way – Art
moved that a letter be sent to Mr. Stubblefield informing him that if the
debris placed in the road in front of his property is not removed by October
31, the Board will have it removed and bill him any associated expenses. Diane seconded the motion and it passed.
New Business
· Board discussed
complaints received regarding division 4 unsightly and potentially unsanitary
debris in yard. Art moved we send a letter
to the homeowner. Brent seconded the
motion and it passed.
· Art motioned we
accept the road maintenance contract as presented. Diane seconded and the motion passed.
Next Board meeting:
November 8, 2014 8:30 AM at the Boise Basin Library, Idaho City. Please note this is a variation to our normal