Boise Basin Library, Idaho City
September 6, 2014


Attendees:  Brent Adamson, Art Burget, Lynn Murdoch, Scott Jackson, Lisa Kindelberger and Jon Long.


Financials - Lisa Kindelberger 

Discussed financials and reviewed reports.  Reviewed lien filing criteria and agreed there is one that Lisa will file.

Brent motioned $100 re-connect fee for water.  Art seconded and the motion passed.

Discussed adding detail regarding water connection fee and re-connect fee to Welcome Packet.

Manager's Report - Jon Long

·       Ran the backup generator.

·       Cleaned up slash.

·       Adjusted signage at Lantern Way gates.

·       Mowed generator shed grounds.

·       Roadside tree removal.

·       Removed speed bumps to accommodate fall grading.

·       Supervised read grading.


Old Business



New Business

·       Tina Erbe – presented house plans.  Art motioned and Scott seconded to approve the plans provisionally, based on clarification of setback from road.  The motion passed.

·       Discussed bid process for road maintenance contract.  Brent to follow up with request for bids.


Next Board meeting:  October 4, 2014 8:30 AM at the Boise Basin Library, Idaho City.