Boise Basin Library, Idaho City
April 4, 2015
Attendees: Brent Adamson, Art Burget, Diane Cowles, Scott
Jackson, Lynn Murdoch, Lisa Kindelberger, and Jon Long. Guests: Jill Manzo, Sal Manzo, Rich
Pfieffer, Doug Ebling, Carol Ebling, Tom Glass, Dee Woodstrom, Scott Woodstrom,
John Gawrys, Jen Gawrys, Dave Burt, Lisa Burt, Roy Doan, Polly Doan, Tim
Zaspel, Debbie Zaspel, Sandy Messer
New Business: Fire Protection
á The Board
is working with Idaho City on fire protection for Duquette Pines. The city is making
changes to only provide fire service within the city limits and Area of
Impact. Since Duquette Pines is not
within the Area of Impact this is a great concern to all property owners. The
city is still providing fire service to Duquette as we work through the issue. All other services like EMT and Police
are not in question.
á Information was provided
by board members and concerned residents regarding this issue. Opinions were expressed regarding
options, including subscription by homeowner, subdivision wide contract with
the city, and inclusion in Area of Impact.
á We are still waiting for
pricing and what the contract would look like from Idaho City and/or the Idaho
Fire Marshal
á A Sub-committee was formed
to gather facts regarding all available options and report back to the board as
soon as possible. Committee
consists of concerned residents:
Lisa Burt, Roy Doan, Doug Ebling, Jill Manzo, Debbie
Zaspel, and board members Diane Cowles and Scott
Jackson. Lynn Murdoch will organize
first meeting and turn over any relevant information. She will not be able to participate due
to being out of town. (Note: subsequent to this meeting, Diane
realized she could not participate due to health reasons, and so Art will take
her place.)
á The committee will
prepare an article for a newsletter to be mailed by the HomeownerÕs Association
as soon as possible.
response to attendee input, an email list is being compiled for property owners
that wish the board to keep in touch with them regarding any issues arising in
the subdivision. property
owners can email the board requesting to be added to the list at dphoa_board@duquettepines.com or wait for a new
self-subscribing system that will be available soon. More information will be
available soon.
Financials - Lisa Kindelberger
á Discussed financials and
reviewed reports.
á Reviewed liens to be
applied for those behind on their dues.
á Art to update web site
to accurately state who is behind on their dues.
Manager's Report - Jon Long
á Ran the backup
á Checked water run
á Removed snow
á Removed road overgrowth
á Dog at large
complaint – dog chasing elk and sand hill cranes out of meadow. Fish and Game to review the situation.
Annual Meeting
á The date of May 22 at 7
PM was selected for the annual meeting.
This is the Friday prior to Memorial Day. The time gives a chance for property
owners to make it up to Duquette Pines from the valley.
á Diane Cowles will schedule
the meeting at the Senior Center if possible.
á The group discussed
agenda topics and Brent is compiling those.
á Agenda topics include
fire protection, email list for notification of Duquette Pines issues, phone
list at gate, potential cleanup days, proposed road expenditures, community
well, postal boxes, sub-committee, and elections.
á A cleanup day will not
be scheduled until this is discussed at the annual meeting.
á Lynn is currently
gathering information to provide a good estimate for this fiscal year (July
2014 thru June 2015).
á Obtained
estimates regarding road budget items to be completed and paid this fiscal
á Jon requested
funds not to exceed $10,000 to continue gravel application in the subdivision
(Meadow Drive). This is well within
our budget for this fiscal year.
Art moved and Scott seconded up to $10,000 be approved for the
gravel. The motion passed.
á After completing
the projected year-end estimate for this year, Lynn will develop a draft budget
for review at the next board meeting in preparation for the annual meeting.
á Discussion
postponed until next meeting.
á Lisa will
compile, print and mail newsletter as soon as the articles are available. This one will be brief, in order to
quickly alert property owners of the annual meeting (Brent to provide this
article) and to provide an update on fire protection (sub-committee).
Old Business
á Web site
maintenance – Art to provide Lynn a method to send the minutes to the web
site after they are approved via email.
á Community wells
– Brent got statutes and requirements for bringing additional wells
online and is in the process of reviewing them. Art is looking into possible grants.
á Mailboxes – Brent is talking to the Forest
Service regarding the possibility of constructing a mailbox area on their
property just outside the DP front gate.
They are open to looking at
our proposal and Brent will schedule a time for the Forest Service to visit and
understand what we would like to do (and where). Lynn is holding on formal application
with the Post Office until the Forest Service discussions progress and further
home owner input.
á Brent and Art are
looking into legal opportunities to recover property related to unpaid
homeowner dues.
Next Board meeting:
May 2, 2015 8:30 AM at the Boise Basin Library, Idaho City.