Boise Basin Library, Idaho City
July 18, 2015


Attendees: Brent Adamson, Art Burget, Diane Cowles, Scott Jackson, Lynn Murdoch, Lisa Kindelberger.  Guests: Doug Ebling, Carol Ebling, Dave Burt, Lisa Burt, Roy Doan, Jim White.


The agenda was amended to include a discussion on fire protection.  Moved by Brent, seconded by Scott.  The Board agreed.



Fire Protection

·       The contract stating Idaho City will provide fire protection to Duquette Pines for one year was signed earlier this week.  Term is Sept 1, 2015 thru Aug 31, 2016.  Cost is $12,000.  Each homeowner is required to sign a form stating the fire department can enter their property in the case of a fire. 

·       Art motioned, Scott seconded, board agreed a letter will be mailed with the page for homeowners to sign.  The letter will include mention of the valve needed for the fire department to successfully connect to our water system. 

·       The Area of Impact issue is tabled as Idaho City made a subsequent change to their Comprehensive Plan that makes this solution irrelevant.  The Board will need to work on an ongoing solution for fire protection as current Duquette Pines funds can only pay for the first contract year.


Ballot Counting

·       The Board counted votes for the two open positions.  The guests witnessed this counting process. 

·       Totals – Doan (36) , Manzo (28), Ebling (20), Bates (14), Woodstrom (14), Adamson (1)

·       Roy Doan and Jill Manzo will fill the two open positions.


Financials - Lisa Kindelberger 

·       Discussed financials and reviewed reports.

·       Art motioned acceptance of the financials and Brent seconded.   The Board agreed.

·       Art to update web site to accurately state who is behind on their dues.

·       Review those potentially going to small claims next month.


Lot Line Adjustment – Dave Burt

·       Dave presented a map showing a lot line adjustment to be made between two of his properties.

·       Scott moved, Art seconded, and the Board approved this adjustment. 

·       Board to send letter documenting their approval.


Manager's Report  - Brent in lieu of Jon

·       Ran the backup generator

·       Built racks in the shed

·       Water hookup

o   Sprayed and weeded

·       Repaired broken gate

·       Talked to homeowner needing to get approval for fence.  Brent to call homeowner. 

·       A water shut down occurred on July 3 due to a short in the upper wells control box.  The wells were restarted. 

·       Flooding was found in the pump house.  Jon pumped out the water and repaired the fitting.

·       There was a discussion on tree cutting in the subdivision.


Old Business

·       Welcome packet update – Lynn to send out latest copy to board.

·       Community wells – Discussion on increasing well capacity.  Discussion on well operator.

·       Mailboxes  – Brent submitted application to the Forest Service for use of their property and is awaiting response.  The intent is to discuss and gather information for further discussion.

·       Brent and Art are looking into legal opportunities to recover property related to unpaid homeowner dues.

·       Discussion on nuisance activity at top of the meadow.  The board agreed to send a letter to homeowners.  Brent to follow up.

·       Speeders in subdivision – this should be covered with a newsletter article in future.

·       Names and phone numbers at the gate will be removed.  The posted map not to have names. (Diane motioned, Scott second, Board agreed).  

·       Homeowner complaints regarding birds (including roosters) being kept in the subdivision.  Jon talked to homeowners keeping the birds.  Board to follow up with the complainer if Jon has not.

·       Lantern way fences – Art to talk to homeowners that said they would build fences over a year ago. 

·       Changing code at gate – this will be discussed at a future Board meeting.


Next Board meeting:  August 1, 2015 8:30 AM at the Boise Basin Library, Idaho City.