November 7, 2015
I. Call to Order Art Burget called the meeting to order at 8:30 A.M. Present: Art Burget, Roy Doan, Diane Cowles, Jon Long, Mark Veristain, Doug Ebling, Carol Ebling, Brent Adamson, Lisa Burt, John Krempa, Garret Web, and John Gawrys.
II. First Order of Business Jill Manzo resigned from the board. Mark Veristain was appointed to replace the vacancy on the board.
III. Financials- Monthly Review Lisa Kindelberger presented printed copies of financial statements to all board members, as well as bills to be paid for board review. Art included 2 items for reimbursement for website costs. Following review, Scott Jackson moved that the financial report be accepted as presented and bills should be paid. Diane Cowles seconded the motion. The motion was carried and financial report was accepted as presented.
IV. Architectural Reviews
Brent Adamson: request approval to build an RV Cover—Board
reviewed and approved.
Jon Long: request approval to build an RV Cover—Board
reviewed and approved.
V. Managers Report
Jon Long- Oct. 6th &7th there were issues with one of the wells. Pump #5 was not running. It was determined that the pump needed to be replaced. The new pump cost $3635.16. A faulty valve also was replaced for an additional $900.00. It was noted that we always want to pursue asking for bids to obtain the lowest cost for repairs in a non-emergency situation. The pump is up and running at this time. While working on the pump the well was measured. The well is 490 ft. deep, the pump is set at 241 ft. Water was measured at 91 ft. from the top of the well, which is spectacular. We have lots of water at this time. 2 damaged culverts were also replaced @ $1882.75 total. Jon reported that on 10-8 he repaired 2 broken gates.
VI. New Business
Pfeiffer – Request to vacate property line –Scott Jackson made a motion to
approve the vacation of the property line.
Diane Cowles seconded the motion.
Rich was advised by the board that he would have to pay standard HOA
fees as well as the additional road maintenance fee for the additional
lot. Rich acknowledged the same.
Chickens –
Complaints about chickens, rooster, ducks, turkey continues. A 2nd resident has also acquired
chickens! A letter was sent to the first
resident approximately 30 days ago with no resolution. Mark made a motion that he and Diane will go
and talk to the folks one more time to try to resolve the issue. If there is no resolution, then there could
be legal action. Mark and Diane will
also go to check on the 2nd chicken situation and speak to the home
owner regarding the covenants. Scott
Jackson seconded the motion.
VII. Equipment subdivision needs to own
There was a discussion about buying a tractor to mow some
of the common area to create a fire break vs. paying someone to come in and do
the mowing for the subdivision. This
will be discussed again in May.
VIII. Business over email
There needs to be a better response among board members to
email messages. Acknowledge receipt of
IX. Old Business
Message board at the subdivision entrance. Scott and Jon will work together to get the
message board up as soon as possible.
Thank you to Scott for drawing up the plans for the board.
b) Nightly property rentals. A property owner is renting a home in the subdivision on a per night basis. Upon checking with an attorney the board was advised that this would be classified as a home business which is contrary to the covenants. However, the property owner pointed out that in the minutes of the May 2015 HOA meeting, the board did approve nightly rentals. More fact finding will have to be done. (adjourn to executive session @ 10:20 reconvene @ 10:35)
Fire Protection next steps. We are in a holding pattern, waiting for the
city to make a decision on how they are going to proceed. At this time Duquette is protected by a fire
contract with the city.
Water system upgrade.
An engineering firm will be hired to give us more information regarding
our water storage, pump rotation, and wells.
We need professional advice before spending money on water systems
Water testing (Carol) Report was submitted to the
board regarding requirements for a water distribution license. Fee is $30.00. License is provided through Bureau of
Licenses. Exam application deadlines,
and exam dates were submitted to the board.
Exams are given in
40 acre easement.
Mark made a motion that we move forward with granting easement to the
owner of the 40 acre partial with the condition that Duquette retain continual
access and that Duquette will incur no cost.
Scott seconded the motion.
Police Patrol.
This will be discussed at the annual meeting in June. Residents should have input on this since the
service would be an expense to the subdivision.
Fence on
Welcome Packet.
Diane stated that she has 5 or 6 pages to go then the packet will be
ready to present to the board.
Art made a motion to remove the road maintenance
contract from the website.
IX. Next Meeting Date
December 5th,
X. Adjourn
11:45 A.M. Respectfully submitted: Carol Ebling