Duquette Pines Home Owners Association

Monthly Meeting – October 4, 2015



Attending:  Art Burget, Roy Doan, Scott Jackson, Diane Cowles, Jill Manzo, Lisa Kindelberger, and Jon Long, Doug Ebling, Carol Ebling, Officer John Krempa.


The meeting was called to order by President Art Burget at 8:30am at the Idaho City Library.


Ø  Minutes from the September 5, 2015 meeting were approved

Ø  Financials were reviewed and all invoices were approved for payment.

Ø  One architectural review – Burget, cover for firewood.  Example was presented and approved.  8'X12' structure with green metal roof.

Ø  Letter Questions received regarding the signature page required for the fire coverage.  Pages 1&2 are the contract exactly as previously presented; page 3 is the signature stating the fire department can enter your property in case of fire.

Ø  Officer Krempa from the Idaho City Police Department spoke to the group regarding contracting for police patrol coverage for the subdivision.  As this was not an agenda item discussion will be postponed until next month.

Ø  Jon reported he ran the generator, assisted with the bear trap, repaired the gate (again), checked all wells, and directed the road grading work.  He will install T posts near the gate on Deer Drive to prevent the hill from being destroyed by vehicles.  Jon will talk with the land owner re alternative solutions.

Ø  Two bids have been received to replace the culverts.  Roy and Scott motioned the lower bid be accepted with the condition that any change to the price or additional work needed be discussed with Jon for approval.  Work not to exceed $2,500.

Ø  40 acre lot that is for sale was discussed.  Original agreement included clause the new owner would be responsible for HOA fees for use of the roads plus abide by Division 1 CC&R's.  Unknown if each lot owner would be responsible for fees should the 40 acres be subdivided.  Art will follow up with Brent and/or the county to get a copy of the original agreement.  Scott has had an e-mail exchange with a possible purchaser and advised on possible costs he could incur.   The road through Duquette Pines is the only access to this property.

Ø  Fire Protection:  We are under contract for this year (HOA paid) however discussion needs to be had regarding fees for next year.  The Idaho City Comprehensive Plan has not yet been finalized and this may impact our ability to contract in the future.  A subcommittee will be formed to review all possibilities for continued coverage.  Possibilities include creation of a fire district, our own volunteer fire department, continue to contract.  It is unknown at this point what the area of impact would create as the information provided previously from the City was not accurate.  Roy and Diane will head up the committee and solicit volunteers from the community. Their focus will to research and report back to the board the following:

o   How will a contract be funded in the future

o   What is involved in creating a fire district

o   Possibility of a community volunteer fire department

o   Can we continue contracting with the city

o   Identify resources and discuss with other subdivisions fire protection.

As a reminder to all, issue was created when Idaho City took control of the fire department.

Ø  Water System:  Quarterly Tests were completed and no issues.  Art will get a copy of the test results.  Question about whom else is certified to perform the water tests.  Carol Ebling volunteered to research the certification process for the well water only and report back next month.  There is currently an outside vendor should Brent be unavailable.

Ø  Future water needs were discussed.  The Board members will research individuals to assist us with determining solutions to increase efficiency of our current wells and other alternatives.

Ø  Jon will talk with Gardner's about the road condition on Rosebush to determine if additional work will need to be done following the logging activity done.

Ø  Homeowner complaint form is posted on the website

Ø  Jon will talk with the homeowner on Lantern Way regarding the fence they promised to build when the new gate was installed.

Ø  Bird Complaint – CC&R's prohibit "livestock" and according to the Boise County statutes, chickens are identified as livestock.  A letter will be sent to the homeowner to explain their violation of the CC&R's

Ø  Diane continues to work on the welcome packet.  Art asked everyone review and provide feedback to Diane.


Open items:

o   Rosebush road condition – are additional repairs needed

o   Nightly rentals – is this considered a home business which would be in violation of the CC&R's

o   Fence on Lantern Way

o   Birds/Livestock violation of CC&R's – noise and odor complaint

o   Welcome Packet

o   Allocation of cost for future years of fire protection

o   Water/well improvement/repairs needed

o   Bulletin Board

o   Fire Protection – next steps

o   Impact of the sale of 40 acre parcel

o   Police/Patrol coverage for subdivision


The meeting was adjourned at 11:05am


Respectfully Submitted

Jill Manzo