Fire Protection Committee Meeting
Boise Basin Library, Idaho City
April 10, 2015
Attendees: Art Burget, Scott Jackson, Roy Doan, Lisa Burt, Debbie Zaspel, Jill Manzo, Doug Ebling
Guests: Pauline Doan, Carol Ebling
· Keep insurance rates from going up due to poor fire response.
· Provide options to home owners of Duquette Pines. For fire protection.
Roy was voted unanimously to chair the committee.
Next meeting 4/17, 6:30 pm at Roy Doan’s House
· Discussion of how many people need to be present/respond for a vote. The board needs to provide an answer for this.
· Roy gave an update on what was said at the city council meeting. The city is happy to work with us and will continue to work with us. Roy told the city council that Duquette is willing to work with the city on this issue and Duquette would like to have a vote on this at our annual meeting.
· Why would the city want to include Duquette in their area of impact? Because the city gets larger grants by including more people in the area of impact.
· If included in the area of impact, fire protect would be provided. This is what multiple people have heard from the city. We still need to get this in writing.
· The city is hoping to provide contract pricing by 4/18.
· Lisa suggested we could present a sample fire contract to the city as a starting point if we go the contract option.
· Debbie will propose to the city council that we are provided notice before fire protection is dropped so we can notify homeowners.
Looks like we have three options:
1. Duquette be included in city’s area of impact
a. Lisa and Doug will investigate pros and cons
2. Contract to Idaho City for fire protection.
a. Jill will investigate pros and cons
3. Fire District:
a. This is very complex and could take too long to put in place
Roy will talk to Terry Teeter about pros and cons of the options to get a perspective from the fire departments point of view. He will also get information about the fire districts board.