Boise Basin Senior Center, Idaho City
June 19, 2015
Board Attendees: Art Burget, Diane
Cowles, Scott Jackson, Lynn Murdoch
Introductions: Doug and Carol Ebling, Clayne Barron, Jon and
Diane Long, Roy and Pauline Doan, Lisa Kindelberger, Jim White, Ray and Marilyn
Eklund, Richard Pfeiffer, David Murdoch, Steve and Sandy Newman, Sall and Jill
Manzo, Aaron Herring, John Gawrys, Steve Cowles, Tim and Debbi Zaspel, Bob and
Debbie Herring, Donna Lee Bates, Barb Nash
Budget: Lynn presented a new format with more
complete information. A suggetion was
made to include checking and savings account balances. The board agreed this will be included in a final
posting of the budget.
There were questions regarding charging of interest on
late payment of association dues and the process was explained: Bill on July 1 is for fees related to prior
year, and so the full amount is due at the end of July. As a neighborly gesture, the board allows
property owners to pay this off throughout the year without interest, as long
as payments are kept up (1/4 paid by end of Sept, ½ paid by end of Dec,
etc.) After 6 months of delinquency,
liens are maintained on properties until
the full amount is recovered. If
multiple years of late payments accrue, judgements are obtained through small
claims court and then a determination is made on how to recover the funds.
Dust abatement
will not be applied this year as funds are needed to pay for the interim fire
protection contract (see Fire Protection topic).
Fire Protection: Scott
thanked the Fire Protection Committee led by Roy Doan. Members included Lisa Burt, Doug Ebling, Jill
Manzo, Debbi Zaspel, as well as board members Art Burget and Scott
Jackson. Scott explained that Idaho City
now controls the Volunteer Fire Department, which was not the case in the
past. The comprehensive plan for Idaho
City has recently been updated and states that fire protection will only be
provided to the city and the Impact Area.
Since Duquette Pines is not in the Impact Area we could lose our fire
protection. The committee investigated
several options and finally recommended Duquette Pines property owners vote for
inclusion in the Impact Area. The Idaho
City Mayor and City Council assured the Fire Committee there will be no cost to
Duquette Pines property owners for fire protection once included in the Impact
Area. Ballots were mailed to all
property owners and are due today. Initial
results indicated there were more than 50% of property owners in favor of the
recommendation. (Subsequent final
results tallied with 76% of property owners participating in the vote, 74% of
property owners were in favor of the proposal.)
Duquette Pines will petition Boise County to be included in
the Impact Area after we present the results of our vote at the city council
next week. The board will try to keep
everyone informed regarding any related Planning and Zoning or County
Commissioner hearings so we can attend and give input. We understand this process could take 3-6
months. In the mean time, the board is
working with the city to finalize a contract to pay them to cover us for fire
protection until we are in the Impact Area.
By law, the rates charged for fire protection cannot exceed a level set
by the State Fire Marshall. The city
agreed to keep our current fire protection in place as we work through the
Impact Area process and negotiate the contract.
Idaho City wants Duquette Pines included in the Impact
Area to increase the probability of obtaining grant money for things such as
road improvement. Our existing police
protection is not at risk since the County Sherrif and Idaho City Police
Department have a cooperating relationship, thus we are covered through our
county taxes.
Board of Director Elections: Brent Adamson and Lynn Murdoch have completed
their terms. Nominations for
the two vacant positions are open beginning tonight. The closing date for nominations will be June
28, 2015. Nominations (volunteers welcome) must be in writing and signed, or
made via email to DPHOA-board. A short paragraph from all candidates is
encouraged as a way of introduction to fellow property owners.
Ballots will be mailed out July 1 and must be
returned prior to the July 18th Board Meeting, at which time the
ballots will be opened and counted.
Observers are welcome at the meeting, as always. New Board members will start their terms at
the August 1 meeting. At that time, the
new board may choose to elect their officers and agree on subsequent meeting
dates and times.
Mailbox Investigation: Based
on feedback obtained at the 2014 Annual Meeting, Lynn continued an
investigation into the ability to have mailboxes directly outside the Duquette
Pines gate. Discussions this year indicate
our postmistress is willing to work with us to try and make mailboxes
feasible. Brent is now talking to the
Forest Service as the mailboxes would need to be on their property. The Post Office does not deliver inside a
gated community, and there is no Duquette Pines property outside the gate. Scott has done some preliminary estimating on
costs for a shelter and the boxes, but this would depend on number of
homeowners interested in obtaining (and paying for) mailboxes. The board assured meeting attendees that
nothing will be decided without more discussion with homeowners and potentially
a vote.
Community Well Water: Art reported that compliance with required
parameters is fine. The Board will be
looking to increase capacity in the future as the subdivision builds out.
Roads: Art reported that we continue to improve our
roads. There was a discussion on what to
do about people abusing the roads, especially on ATVs. Some would like the community completely
gated and others do not want to put gates at all access points. Art explained the Board got backlash last
year for adding the gate at the end of Lantern Way.
Q&A: There was a discussion regarding the list of
phone numbers at the gate. Currently we
assume everyone wants to be listed, but recently it came to light that some do
not want their phone numbers at the gate for anyone to look at. A show of hands at the meeting indicated a
preference to assume no one wants their phone number listed unless specifically
requested. The Board will discuss making
this change at their next meeting.
The practice of leaving the gate open at some times was
questioned. Jon Long, Duquette Pines
Property Manager, explained that when people have parties or other events at
their homes and make a prior request, or when heavy equipment is coming in and
out of the subdivision, the gates are left open.
A homeowner expressed concerns that our CC&Rs
prohibit shooting within the subdivision.
The homeowner wants to be able to shoot if someone breaks and enters his
home with a gun and was under the impression the Board would prosecute anyone
doing so. It was explained that while
Division 1, 2 and 3 CC&Rs prohibit shooting, Divison 4 CC&Rs do not. It
would not be a Duquette Pines process to prosecute in any instance of this
Nominations for Board of Directors:
The following nominees were declared at the meeting:
Roy Doan – Roy led the Fire Committee and stated he would
like better communication and to get consensus on decisions. He would like to see better use of
subdivision money, get to know neighbors, have a pot luck, and become a
friendly community
Doug Ebling – Doug stated he was on the Fire
Committee. He has been a truck driver
and a barber. He believes we live in a
beautiful place and would like make it more so.
Donna Bates – Donna stated she has experience on a HOA
board in Coeur d’Alene.
Jill Manzo – Jill stated it was great being on the Fire
Committee. The group worked well
together and communicated well. She
would like to broaden that experience.