Boise Basin Library, Idaho City
August 1st, 2016
Attendees: Roy Doan, Diane Cowles, Clint Watson, Lisa
Burt, Dee Woodstrom and Russ Taylor. Property owners in attendance: Polly Doan,
Cindy Watson, Scott Woodstrom, Kurt Sunquist and Sal Manzo.
Roy called the
meeting to order @ 6 pm.
New Board member
introduction & discussion of Board goals: The Board
discussed transparency, entrance bulletin board and suggestion box, complaint
form, water and testing results (Russ will give a report), community events,
newsletters, bylaws and policies.
The Board discussed the basic procedure for replying to emails from property
owners. Lisa B. will answer basic
questions and concerns, anything else will be emailed to the Board for their
input and approval of the email response to the property owner.
The Board talked about cross training of the Treasurer’s position. Lisa B. and Dee will get a tutorial.
Lisa B. asked that Clint take the new Board members around the subdivisions to
point out where water valves, etc are
located as well as learning how to operate them.
Election of officers: Lisa B. – Roy
motioned for Lisa to be the President.
Dee seconded. All ayes. Roy - Lisa motioned for Roy to continue on as
the Vice President. Russ seconded. All ayes.
Dee – Roy motioned for Dee to be the Secretary. Russ seconded. All ayes.
Lisa B. will be in charge of the Facebook page and Dee will work the
Financials - Lisa Kindelberger
Lisa is on vacation, Roy presented the financial reports. Lisa B. motioned to approve the financial
reports as presented. Roy seconded. All ayes.
Checks were signed
for Lisa K., Clint and C & C Construction.
Manager's Report – Clint Watson
The Board discussed needing a contract with Clint for the use of his
personal backhoe for subdivision work.
Clint spoke about needing a credit card
for incidental purchases. The Board
discussed the issue and will have the Bookkeeper apply for a credit card with a
$500 limit on behalf of Duquette Pines Homeowner’s
Association. Clint will submit receipts
for all purchases.
Clint gave an update
on the water run times.
The orange caution
cones were stolen from around the fire truck that was parked on the upper part
of Meadow Drive.
Repaired a water leak
on Meadow Drive near Chipmunk Drive.
Many of the property
owner’s fire hydrants are not working but the main hydrants are. The property owners will be contacted so they
can get their hydrants in working order.
Clint stated that he would be available, personally, to help the
property owners if needed.
August 6th
the well wiring will be checked to confirm what and when it will be updated.
Garcia’s water pump
is up and running now.
Lisa B. asked about
flow meters in the water tanks. Clint
said he will get readings and report back to the Board.
Update on well
electrical: This was discussed during the manager’s
Owner comments: Sal Manzo spoke
about the HOA Welcome Packet ad asked that one be sent to his new neighbor.
General discussion of subdivision concerns:
The Board received
payment in full for past due association fees from a property owner. The lien will be removed from the property as
soon as the check clears the bank. There
was discussion about the debris in the cul-de-sac at that property. A letter needs to be sent to the property
owner stating that it needs to be removed promptly.
There was a brief discussion concerning the garbage left at Lot 20, Block 1, Division 1. The
property owner needs to be contacted to take care of the garbage.
Diane spoke about Clint’s six month probationary period.
Lisa B. motioned to
adjourn the meeting at 7:25 pm. Dee
seconded. All ayes.
Next Board meeting: September 12th,
2016, 6:00 pm, at the Boise Basin Library, Idaho City.
Respectfully submitted
by: Dee Woodstrom