Call to Order Art Burget called the meeting to order at 8:40 A.M. Board Members Present: Art Burget, Roy Doan, Mark Veristain, Scott Jackson, and Diane Cowles absent. Residents Present: Doug Ebling, Carol Ebling, Pauline Doan, Brandon Bettys, Dave and Lisa Burt.
I. Property Owners Input/Comments
The property owners present had no comments or suggestions
for the board at this time.
II. New Business
1. A formal complaint was made by Ed and Ginger Fields regarding the road conditions. It was decided by the board to permit Gardner Construction to plow our roads when 6 inches of snow have accumulated at their place of business. This will allow for a timelier plowing instead of waiting for a call from us. Neal said he would still call to verify the need. It was also decided that the new “Welcome Packet” will include a notice that chains may be required for winter driving in our subdivision in order to safely navigate our roads. Residents need to slow down.
2. 2nd Alternate for HOA Board. Normally there are 2 alternates to serve on the board should a regular board member resign or be removed. At the present time there is only 1 alternate for the board. The bylaws do not address this situation. The board will work on developing a policy for what to do should this situation arise again in the future.
III. Old Business
1. Chickens: Brandon Bettys presented the board with a
petition from Phase 1 containing 10 signatures from residents of that phase who
would be in favor of amending the CCR’s for Phase 1 only. The petition did not mention chickens in particular, only the change to the CCR’s. There have been on going complaints regarding
the noise and smell from the chickens and other foul kept by the Bettys’. The board questioned whether we need to draft
something in this regard to present at the annual meeting. The board requires a vote to change any
CCR’s. Mark Veristain
and Brandon will work to write a change.
Mark voiced a concern that even if the board meets all the requirements
to change the CCR’s to allow the keeping of chickens or other foul, Brandon and
others may not be willing to comply with the new change regarding limits in
number and types of foul allowed.
2. Fire
Protection: Roy Doan reported on progress toward a fire district. Among the
choices for fire protection, a fire district was the choice of the people involved. The city is not presently taxed for fire protection;
therefore the city will also be included in the fire district. Signatures have been presented to the County Commissioners
to get a vote on the March ballot to begin work on the fire district. Duquette
Pines is in a very favorable position at this time since we have a formal contract
with the city for fire protection which assures our homeowners insurance policy
providers that we will be protected. Without a contract Duquette could have
insurance policies canceled or premiums increase significantly.
3. Welcome
packet: No news (Diane absent). Diane emailed the new revised welcome packet
to the board for their review. The board
will read and make required changes.
IV. Architectural Reviews
1. Lisa Kindleberger sent a letter of approval to Randy and Donna Bates on their new construction. The board reviewed the information available on the sheds parked on the lot at Secor’s service station that may eventually be moved into Duquette Pines.
V. Managers Report
Art Burget read the manager’s report in
Jon Long’s absence. Jon dug out the generator
shed, and access to the wells (snow).
Jon checked the water and the wells
as routine. The water run times are 6 to
8 hours per day, which is excellent. The
roads were plowed on the January 17th. Jon has given the board notice of his
resignation effective in May. Jon wishes
to spend more time traveling and with his family. The manager position will be posted later.
VI. Financials
All financials were approved.
Next Meeting March
5th, 2016
Adjourn 11:00
AM. Respectfully submitted: Carol Ebling