Call to Order Art Burget called the meeting to order at 8:45 A.M. Present: Art Burget, Roy Doan, Jon Long, Mark Veristain, Doug Ebling, Carol Ebling, Diane Cowles, Lisa Kindleburger, Jill Monzo, Sal Monzo, Steve Cowles, and Cliff Gribble
I. Financials- Monthly Review Lisa Kindelberger presented printed copies of financial statements to all board members, as well as bills to be paid for board review. Following review, Art noted that on the water bill, details need to be clarified before paying the bill. There was a discussion via Email among the board members regarding the billing for sanding roads and plowing the snow. It was decided to pay the bill for these services with the condition that in the future questions would be asked as to the charges that would be incurred before the service is requested. There was a question as to whether the financial reports could show a budgeted amount as well as income and expenditures. Lisa said this could be done and she would do that. It was noted that Gardener’s contract for the road maintenance will expire in October 2016. Roy Doan moved that the financial report be accepted as presented and Diane Cowles seconded the motion. The financial report was approved.
II. Architectural Review
Nothing to review at this time. A letter needs to be sent to Randy and Donna Bates officially approving their building plans.
III. Manager’s Report
Jon Long reported
that on 12/1 he installed the snow stakes.
12/ 8 & 9 sanding was done.
12/14, 19, 22, 24 snow plowing was ordered. Water temperatures were checked on
12/20. 40 degree water temperatures are
maintained. Jon opened the gate on
IV. New Business
a. There was a lengthy discussion regarding sanding the
roads and snow plowing. Many complaints
were received from property owners regarding timely plowing and inefficient
sanding. Our contract states that
b. Discussion on Bob Herrings CC&R suggestions: Bob is entitled to his opinions. The CC&Rs are here for the board to support. The CC&Rs can be changed by property owner’s vote if that is what is desired.
V. Old Business
Chickens: No new business on this matter. Mark and Diane will go to visit with the Bates regarding the chickens.
Fire Protection
There was a discussion regarding how
we want to pay for our fire contract. We
may need a contract for 1 or 2 years
until a fire district can be established. Will we
collect money individually or raise HOA fees to cover the cost? Will individuals
pay directly? Should we do a line item
in the budget for this cost? The
board wants to reconvene the Fire Protection Committee to work on this project. This committee would consist of
Roy, Doug, Diane, John and any other
volunteers who would like to be
Water System Upgrade
No new business at this time. Art will contact SPF for updates.
40 Acre Easement
There were
concerns from residents present about wear and tear on the roads due to more traffic thru the subdivision. The 40 acres provide for 20 new lots from which we would receive road
maintenance fees. The board made some
final changes to the easement document.
Our attorney reviewed those changes and found
them to be acceptable.
Welcome Packet
Diane will
email the packet to the board members.
When the board approves the packet
it will be ready for distribution.
Next Meeting February 6th, 2016
10:55 AM. Respectfully
submitted: Carol Ebling