Call to Order Art Burget called the meeting to order at 8:40 A.M. Board Members Present: Art Burget, Roy Doan,
Scott Jackson, Diane Cowles and Mark Veristain. Residents Present: Manager Clint Watson, Book
Keeper Lisa Kindleberger, Doug &
Carol Ebling, Dave Dahlin, Rich Pfieffer, Sal Monzo, Donna Bates, Ray Eklund, and
Idaho City Chief of Police John Krempa.
I. Property Owners Comments
Krempa, Idaho City Police Chief, presented a proposal for regular visible
police patrol and protection in Duquette Pines.
This would be in conjunction with the Boise County Sheriff. John will attend the general HOA meeting on
Friday, June 17th to present the proposal to all residents attending.
II. Financials-Monthly Review
Lisa Kindleberger presented a printed financial report to
all board members. Lisa will mail out
quarterly statements next week and prepare ballots to send out for board
elections. Art stated that no changes
would be made to the budget for next year and a complete financial statement
will be presented at the general HOA meeting on June 17th. The board reviewed the budget. Clint requested
that an account be set up with Rushman Sand and Gravel so that he could order
gravel as needed for road maintenance.
Mark made a motion to set up the account and
III. Architectural Reviews
1. Ray Eklund asked the board for a variance in order to
build a shelter for his camp trailer on his property in division 2. The variance would be necessary due to the
fact that the CCR’s require buildings to be 20 ft. from the property line and
Ray does not have that much space.
2. Clayne Barron
requested permission for a pole fence to be built on his property. Mark made a motion and Scott seconded the
motion that his fence project be approved.
IV. Managers Report: Clint Watson
Gates that were broken were repaired. Weed spraying was done with the assistance of
Roy Doan. Gravel is being stored on
V. Old Business
Water Connection Review
Garcia’s will install an additional 2.5 hp pump to the
existing 2.5 hp pump to meet the board’s request of 5 hp total. Individual electrical meters will be
installed for each of the 3 residences.
A professional, licensed electrician will do the work.
VI. Fire Protection
VII. Property Manager Purchases.
There was a discussion on how to make it easier for Clint
to make purchases for the subdivision.
Diane made a motion and
VIII. Annual Meeting Planning
Art will do the budget report
Art will talk about the upcoming elections
Art will review the water reports
Scott and Roy will talk about the roads and dust abatement
John Krempa will present police protection proposal
There are 3 positions open on the board. Art Burget, Scott Jackson, and Mark
Gravel Stockpile
Clint will stockpile gravel for subdivision use on
Formal Complaint
Division 4 only: RV
trailers, boats, must be stored in an “enclosed” area as per division 4
CCR’s. Utility trailers are not subject
to this requirement.
Welcome Packet Update
Diane continues to work on the packet, updating as needed.
adjourned to executive session at 10:45 AM
meeting July ?, 2016 Respectfully
submitted Carol Ebling