Duquette Pines HOA

Monthly Board Meeting Minutes

March 5th, 2016


Call to Order Art Burget called the meeting to order at 8:35 A.M.  Board Members Present: Art Burget, Roy Doan, Mark Veristain, Scott Jackson, and Diane Cowles.  Residents Present: Doug Ebling, Carol Ebling, Clint Watson, Dave and Lisa Burt.

I.       Property Owners Input/Comments

The property owners present had no comments or suggestions for the board at this time.

II.      Financials

 Lisa Kindleberger was ill so financials were reviewed by the board.  Bills were presented to be paid to Gardners for road maintenance, Health and Welfare, and employee payroll checks.  Lisa will begin sending out quarterly statements in a few weeks.  Diane made a motion to approve the payment of all bills and Roy seconded the motion. 


III.      Architectural Reviews

            None at this time                                


IV.      Managers Report  Jon Long

            2-1-16 checked the generator.  2-8, 9, 22, 24, 28 checked the water pumps for run times.  Pumps are at 6 hour run times presently.  2-16-16 roads were plowed.  2-             22-16 road was plowed and graded on Bull Pine at a cost of $302.00. On 2-29-16    Jon closed the back gate and reactivated the front gate code.  Jon expressed        concern about UTV’s in the meadow tearing up the ground.  Art will put this on    the agenda for April.  Signage and a newsletter may also be used to address the           appropriate use of the meadow for recreation.





V.  Fire Protection/District

Roy reported on the County Commissioner’s meetings he has attended.  The fire district will be on the Ballot May 8th, 2016.  The fire department now operates on a budget of $22,000. per year which includes the $12,000. that they received from Duquette Pines.  They (fire department) want a budget of $107,000.  Duquette will have to wait to see if this passes the May 8th vote.  Roy will continue to attend all meetings of City Council, Fire Committee, and County Commissioners to advise the board of any new information.

VI.  Welcome Packet-Diane Cowles

Diane emailed a copy of the welcome packet to the board members for their review.  The board asked Diane to add a section to alert residents that there may be times when 4 wheel or all wheel drive vehicles and chains may be needed to navigate our roads in the winter.  The importance of driving at a slow speed to avoid damaging our fragile roads was also to be emphasized.  New signage for lower speed limits within the subdivision was also discussed.


Adjourn to Executive session at 9:55 AM  (Personnel)

The board accepted Jon Long’s resignation.

Clint Watson is our new property manager

Next meeting April 9, 2016


Respectfully submitted   Carol Ebling