Call to Order Art Burget called the meeting to order at 8:35 A.M. Board Members Present: Art Burget, Roy Doan, Scott Jackson, Diane Cowles and Mark Veristain. Residents Present: Manager Clint Watson, Book Keeper Lisa Kindleberger, Tom Glass, Alan and Donna Bates, Cyndi Watson, Rich Pfieiffer, Dave and Lynn Murdoch.
I. Property Owners Input/Comments
Tom Glass does not see the benefit of the new personal meters. He
said that there is a $5.00 monthly charge for these meters. Art spoke to this matter as Idaho Power was
asking for these changes. As long as we
are updating our electric panels, now was a good time to get the meters
installed and be billed by Idaho Power to the owner as others are now. Scott also mentioned that if Tom were to
leave, would the new owner be as honest or willing to do this measurement and
pay on his own.
Cyndi Watson wanted to know about dust abatement and how the
budget was set. Art explained that last year was supposed to be our year to do
abatement, but the money spent on fire protection used our reserve set aside
for the dust abatement. As far as the budget setting, that is something the
board does. We then hand out at the Annual Home Owners meeting for input or
Rich Pfeiffer had concerns about the Stubblefield situation, that
he might be building again. He also
stated he did not want the Idaho City Police patrolling up here at a cost of $5,000.00
when we are not in their jurisdiction.
Police Chief Krempa will present his plan at our Annual Meeting. Rich also wanted to know about abatement.
Dave and Lynn Murdoch would like to have something done
about the deep ruts and runoff on their road. Clint will look into this.
II. Financials
Lisa Kindleberger presented printed financial reports to all board members. Lisa will mail late fee statements next week. There are about 7 currently outstanding HOA fees in the subdivision. The board reviewed the budget. Art advised Lisa to prepare a letter regarding the upcoming Annual Homeowners meeting on June 17th at the Senior Center at 7:00pm. Lisa brought checks to be paid and they were signed and approved by all. Mark Veristain moved that the Financial Statement be approved, with correction on amount paid for road grading for potholes. Scott Jackson seconded the motion.
III. Architectural Reviews : None
IV. Managers Report: Clint Watson
Replaced the broken gate at the entrance. Monitored the pumps. Work regarding Garcia’s water line. Ordered grading for pot holes and road
maintenance. Roads seem in good
condition. Clint had asked the board if
he could have a stock pile of gravel in the subdivision so he could repair pot
holes in the road through out the year with his own tractor. The board unanimously approved his request to
get started on the stock pile. Clint has
also asked for a petty cash fund so he doesn’t have to use his own money. The board discussed this, as well as prepaid
cards and setting up accounts with local vendors.
V. Garcia Water Line
The current system is a problem. At issue are the hydrants, electrical service
to pumps, waterline size, and pump size.
Water line service should be approved before construction begins as per
CCR’s. Construction has already begun on
this property and there are multiple problems.
It appears that Garcia’s were under the impression that the hookup fee
had already been done. Gabe has sent a list of questions about the request from
the board to pay fee, upgrade pump and other various questions. The board answered the questions and is still
working on ways to solve this issue.
Mark made a suggestion to keep checking on solutions for pumps.
V. Fire
Roy Doan is
on the fire district committee along with 3 of the volunteer firemen. The fire district will be on the May 17th
ballot for vote.
VI. Executive
Relay of information about something that might be
upcoming. No action required.
adjourned at 11:30___________________
meeting June 4, 2016 Respectfully
submitted Diane Cowles