Boise Basin Library, Idaho
December 5th, 2016
Open meeting: Lisa B. opened the
meeting at 7:02 pm.
Meeting structure: Everyone in
attendance was familiar with the meeting structure.
Attendance: Lisa B., Kurt,
Melissa, Dee, Donna, Karter and Lisa K. Homeowner’s
- David Burt, Paul Head and Randy Bates.
Approve meeting minutes Nov 7th
and 14th: Melissa motioned to approve both the November
7th and November 14th minutes. Kurt seconded, all ayes.
Financials-Lisa Kindelberger:
- The Board
reviewed the Balance Sheet and the Profit and Loss Statement. Checks were presented for approval and
signatures. Dee motioned to approve
the financial reports and the checks that are to be signed. Donna seconded, all ayes.
- CC for Lisa K.
– Lisa B. spoke about reimbursements to the bookkeeper and that Lisa K.
should have a credit card account with a $500 limit. Melissa motioned to approve getting a
credit card for Lisa K. with a $500 limit.
Kurt seconded, all ayes.
- Time
sheets/pay schedule – There was discussion on the format of the timesheet
that Karter and Lisa K. will be using.
Karter stated that he will email his filled out timesheet to Lisa
K. and she (Lisa K.) will also fill out the same type of timesheet.
Old Business:
- Transfer/setup
fees – Kurt gave information that he received from other entities/subdivisions
in Boise County and he stated that the buyer normally pays the fees. There was discussion as to what a
comparable rate would be. Melissa
motioned to approve the fees of $200 and for it to be effective January 1,
2017. Kurt seconded, all ayes.
- Delinquent
account policy – There has been discussion that a form letter and
policy need to be done. Dee gave a
brief report on some preliminary information and stated that she and Lisa
K. will work on the verbiage for the policy. There was a question as to whether we can
add the lien recording fee to the full amount due or not. This subject will be discussed again at
the February meeting.
Maintenance report-Karter
- Karter stated
that he had training and orientation with Lisa B.
- New snow poles
were installed and some old ones replaced.
- Karter and
David traveled around the subdivisions locating the dump valves.
- The roof has
been put up over the meters at the well site and no trespassing signs were
put up there because snowmobilers were riding in the immediate area.
A t-post and reflector were put in place at the concrete barriers
on Skyline Dr.
Replaced the broken valve cover/pipe at Blue Jay Way.
- Shoveled snow
around areas that needed cleaning.
- Laid down dirt
at the gate area. It was reiterated
that there is gravel available at the bottom of Lantern Way for anyone
that needs to use it on their icy driveways or road near their home.
- The generator
at the shed is ready to go, in case it is needed.
Adjourn: Donna motioned to
adjourn. Melissa seconded, all ayes. January 9th will be the next
meeting date.