6 Elderberry Circle, Idaho
November 14th, 2016
The meeting was opened by Lisa B.
at 7:05 pm.
Meeting structure:
There was only one property owner in attendance so the meetings outline
was not discussed.
Attendance: Lisa
B., Melissa, Donna and Dee. Property
owner attendance - Randy Bates. Absent –
Maintenance update:
B. stated the cul-de-sac on Willis Way has been cleared of the large pile of
basic groundwork is done at the shed.
B. will be meeting with High Ground Electric about the electrical upgrade at
the pump shed and the back-up battery for the outgoing gate.
B. spoke about blading a portion of the roads, one more time before winter,
from the gate to Bull Pine and then the Bull Pine loop as they are the most
traveled portion of the roads and tend to get rough easily. The Board agreed that this should be
done. Lisa will contact Gardner’s to see
when the best time to blade will be. Donna
also mentioned she was hearing that Rosebush needed it too.
Wood’s septic line damage has been repaired by Gardner’s.
Board discussed changing the credit card, for the Maintenance Manager’s use, into
Lisa B’s name for now. Melissa motioned
to have the credit card put into Lisa’s name, for now, with a $1,000 limit. Donna seconded, all ayes.
Maintenance person-discuss
hiring applicant: There was discussion of what the maintenance
person’s priorities would be once hired.
The maintenance person will need to install snow poles, check dump
valves, install the meter roof at the well area and repair the bottom wood area
on the shed. The water and road
maintenance will continue to be monitored by Lisa B. The
HOA received one application.
7:30 pm-Executive
session-interview applicant: The applicant, Karter
Thompson, was in attendance to answer questions. Responsibilities were discussed and mileage
was negotiated.
The Board came out of executive
session at 7:48 pm. Dee motioned that
the HOA hire Karter Thompson, to start as maintenance person on Saturday,
November 19th, that he be paid $.45 per mile for mileage and that he
move forward with the items that need immediate attention. Donna seconded, all ayes. The Board discussed that Lisa B. meet with
the new maintenance person this Saturday at 10 am.
Ballot-discuss creating ballot
for Division 3 CC&R’s amendment: Melissa stated that she
will put together ballot verbiage to discuss further at the next meeting.
The next regular meeting will be
Monday, December 5th at the Boise Basin Library, 7:00 pm. Dee asked if we could all bring some holiday
snacks and have a small Christmas celebration directly following the meeting. The rest of the Board agreed.
Adjourn: Melissa motioned to adjourn. Donna seconded, all ayes.
Respectfully submitted by Dee Woodstrom.