Basin Senior Center
May 26th, 2017
Open meeting: The meeting started at 7:04 pm.
Meeting structure: Lisa B. stated that discussions will only be on the agendized items. Resident input will be at the end of the meeting for anything that may not have been covered in the meeting.
Attendance/Intro of Board: Lisa B., Dee, Kurt, Melissa, Lisa K. and David. Absent - Donna.
Residents – George Albright, Clayton and Tammy Wilson, Art and Brenda Burget, Ed Fields, Lynn and Dave Murdoch, Leann Hays, Jason Kindelberger, Jon Long, Steve and Sandy Newman, John Krempa (ICPO), Randy Bates, Mark Veristain, Russ and Rene Copping and Curt Smith.
Lisa B. introduced the Board members to the audience.
Reading of Agenda: Dee read the agenda to the residents.
Budget/Assessment increase: Kurt spoke about the budget and stated that most line items are the same in the new budget. Kurt discussed the overages from the 2016 budget and spoke about the increase in the budget, for 2017, in areas where there are projects coming up in 2017.
There is an assessment increase of $20, for each property, for fire suppression (water fund) and road maintenance. The last assessment increase was 5 years ago.
Water Rights Report: Lisa B. spoke about the water rights application. She stated that we are in the final stages of the application and it should be wrapped up in the next few months.
Law Enforcement Proposal: Chief Krempa spoke about providing coverage in Duquette Pines on a contract basis for the cost of $7,500. This would include a daily drive through the subdivision and other miscellaneous.
Maintenance report: David spoke about his upcoming goals. David stated that many of the dump valves are broken or not functioning so he will be replacing and/or repairing them. David stated that the gate control panel will be replaced next week. Mr. Fields asked about the water leak this past winter and commended us for finding and fixing it quickly.
New Business:
Ř Triple Ridge Emergency Exit – Melissa stated that this is a fire exit. It will be 12’ wide by 410’ long with a 12’ wide gate. The bid is for $9,000 but was approved for up to $10,000 (in case there is anything unforeseen). Art Burget suggested a narrower exit; that an 8’ wide gate should suffice.
Ř Meadow Drive widening project at frog pond – Lisa B stated that this is a bottleneck area, especially during the winter months when the road seems to narrow quite a bit from the berms of snow along the roadway. As the road sits, it is only 24 feet wide and Lisa stated that it would be widened to approximately 45 feet and a longer culvert would be put in place. There were some residents in the audience that stated it would be too wide and people would drive too fast. Lisa stated that this area of road would be closed for approximately one day in July and would take about 3 days to complete the project. Lisa said that all projects that are being discussed tonight will be in July. It was asked if there will be dust abatement this year. Lisa stated that it will probably be next year as that is what our schedule has been (dust abatement is every two years).
Ř Electrical upgrades – Dee spoke about the electrical upgrade that has already been done at the well area. The electrical was smoking and it would have just been a matter of time before something would happen and the electrical was old so it needed to be updated. The next project is the electrical conduit running through the culvert at the pumphouse. Dee stated that the culvert has runoff water going through it, especially in the spring, and electrical lines should not be where there is water running over it. This needs to be addressed for safety reasons and taken out of the culvert. The lines will be run underground to the connection going to the well area.
The second upcoming electrical project is to update the electrical panel in the pumphouse so that both wells associated with the pumphouse are easily turned on and off.
Ř Volunteer Day – Kurt stated there is a sign-up sheet at the door for projects that day, June 17th. Kurt stated that part of the meadow is to be mowed to accommodate people using it for recreational purposes (picnic, etc). Kurt spoke about volunteering and taking pride in our environment and neighborhoods. He will put the list on Facebook so people can sign up that way. Anyone interested should meet at the end of Lantern Way at 9 am.
Ř Fine Policy –
Lisa B. stated that the Board has created the policy to be able to enforce our covenants. Lisa stated that as
a Board, the policy will be reserved for the most severe abusers of the
CC&Rs. Action will not be taken
unless a complaint form is submitted by an owner. The information in the policy has been
taken directly out of Idaho Statutes. An
attorney is reviewing the policy and preparing an amendment. This will have to go to the vote of the
residents and it must have 75% approval, from each subdivision, for it to be
enforced. There was a question as to if
we can recoup the fees when we have to take someone to court? This will be investigated further.
Nominations/Elections: Lisa B. stated there are three positions open plus two alternate positions. Sandy Newman nominated Steve Newman and Kris Wallworth, Kurt Sundquist nominated Melissa Head, Melissa Head nominated Kurt Sundquist and Randy Bates nominated Donna Bates. The deadline to submit nominations is June 15th.
Resident input on subject matter not covered in meeting: Ed Fields asked that the fine policy to go out later in the year, after residents have a chance to review the information. Mark Veristain suggested to have it discussed at the next regular meeting for review.
John Krempa spoke about the city widening Bear Run, possibly purchase Kennedy’s property and making a bigger parking lot in that area.
Clayton Wilson asked who is to clean out the culverts at the end of the resident driveways? Lisa B. stated that it used to be maintenance manager. Homeowners were asked to clean out their own culverts but they didn’t.
Jon Long spoke about the new owners of the home on the corner of Grouse Road and Meadow Drive. He stated there are a few camp trailers on the property and that is against the CCRs for that division. He as that a letter be sent to the residents.
Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm. The next regular meeting will be on June 5th at the Boise Basin Library conference room.
Respectfully submitted by Dee
Woodstrom, DPHOA Secretary