Boise Basin Library, Idaho
April 3rd, 2017
Open Meeting: Lisa B. opened the meeting at 7:00 pm.
Meeting Structure: Lisa B. stated how the meeting will ensue; that everyone
can speak on the subjects that are on the agenda, as they are discussed.
Attendance: Lisa B., Donna, Kurt, Melissa, Dee and Lisa K. Guests: Jon Long, Paul
Head, John Gawrys, David Burt and Nick & Aspen
Amendment of meeting: House Plans for Cortland & Sue Walker at 11 Meadow
Drive. This was moved to the front of
meeting at the property owners’ request.
The Board reviewed the information given. Mr. Walker stated that the completion date will
be August 27th, 2017 and that they will be removing 6 trees to make
room for the home and septic. Donna motioned to approve the plans, as
presented, with the completion date of August 27th. Melissa seconded, all
ayes. The property owners stated they
will have a trailer to stay in, on the property, while they are constructing.
Approve Minutes March 6 Meeting: Melissa motioned to approve the meeting minutes. Lisa seconded, motion passed.
Financials-Lisa Kindelberger: The financial
reports were presented and reviewed.
Annual Budget discussion: There was a brief discussion as to when the Board would
meet to discuss the upcoming budget.
When the project discussions below first started, subdivision
resident Jon Long launched off into a tirade about work that was decided on by
a previous Board and completed last year. When he was told that this
subject was not being discussed at this meeting, he continued to talk over the
Board throughout the meeting which created a disruption to the business at hand.
Underground electrical upgrade: This is an upgrade at the pump house. The lines come from the main electrical area,
through the meadow, and then come through the culvert (under the road) to the
pump house.
Road work at frog pond corner: Lisa B. stated that it will open the road up to between 40
- 45 feet in width, will be built-up and a longer culvert will be installed so the
water can flow better.
Triple Ridge emergency access: The emergency access
easement should be 12’ wide x 410’ long and meets with Bear Run Road. Donna motioned to approve these projects contingent
on additional bids. Melissa seconded. Kurt nayed. Motion passed. Additional bids will be solicited for all
projects and decided on at May meeting.
Maintenance Report: Lisa B. spoke about the Maintenance Manager position and gave background information of the last 6 months of the maintenance.
Maintenance Manager applicant- David Burt: Melissa
motioned to approve hiring him as the Maintenance Manager. Kurt seconded. Lisa B. recused herself. Motion passed.
Report from David:
– posts were broken by Gardner’s this winter, need to fix. A concrete riser,
at the well property, was also damaged and the bunker below is full of water. It needs to be pumped out, looked at, and
decided how to proceed. Snow poles
will be coming down soon. Many of the
shut off valves for the pipes that need to be opened slightly during the
coldest winter weather are broken and need to be repaired or replaced.
Old Business:
New Business:
Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned
at 8:36 pm.