6 Elderberry Circle, Duquette Pines
April 7th, 2017


Open Meeting: Lisa B. opened the meeting at 7:03 pm.


Meeting Structure: Lisa B. explained that only what is on the agenda be discussed at the meeting and everyone is welcome to comment after each subject.


Attendance: Lisa B., Kurt, Melissa, Donna, Dee, David and Lisa K.  Wyatt Burt, Jon Long and JR & Kris Wallworth.


Open Ballots: Wyatt Burt opened and separated the ballots for a Division 3 CCR Amendment.  Lisa K. compiled the data as to who sent back ballots.  Eleven people from Division 3 did not return ballots and in accordance with the verbiage on the ballot, those are considered as “in favor of”.  The final tally was: Yes – 20 and No – 10.  In order for the issue to pass 23 yes votes were needed, thus, the issue did not pass.


Cortland water:  There was discussion concerning the fire standpipe that Mr. Cortland asked if he would be able to connect to the standpipe located on the corner of Meadow/Meadow.  Mr. Cortland had stated he that he would be hooking up to the community water system and the question he put to the Board was; can he connect to the standpipe that is already in place but not on his property or if he will need to install a fire standpipe on his property.  Jon Long stated that if there were a fire in Duquette Pines and if the fire department was using the fire standpipe on the corner, what would Mr. Cortland use to protect his property (if he doesn’t install his own standpipe on his property)?  Donna motioned that the Cortland’s will need to install a fire standpipe on their property.  Kurt seconded, all ayes.  JR Wallworth commented about the tree debris, from the Cortland’s tree removal, that is on his property and on the main road.


Head letter: The letter being sent to Paul Head is to include the verbiage that the fence must be at a 5 foot setback from the road. 


Maintenance Manager Duty Statement: The statement was reviewed and changes were made.  Melissa motioned to approve the Duty Statement with the changes made.  Kurt seconded, all ayes.


Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 8:51 pm.