Boise Basin Library, Idaho City

August 1st, 2017



Open meeting: The meeting began at 7:00 pm.

Meeting Structure:
  Lisa B. stated that topics discussed are what is on agenda and the audience will have the opportunity to ask questions after each issue is discussed.

  Lisa B., Dee, Kurt, Steve, Kris, Lisa K. and David.  Guests: Danny Gurwell, John Gawrys, Jon Long, Suzanne Wingo & Gordon Sonne, Doug Goodman, Donna Bates and Clayton & Tammy Wilson.


Introduce New Board Members:  Lisa B. introduced Steve Newman and Kris Wallworth and we all welcomed them to the board.

Approve Minutes-July 17 meeting:  Kurt motioned to approve the July 17th meeting minutes.  Lisa B. seconded.  Motion passed.

Financials-Lisa K.:  Lisa K. presented the current financial statements and checks to be reviewed and signed.  Kurt motioned to approve the financial reports as presented.  Steve seconded, all ayes. 

There is only one homeowner that has not paid their association fees.  Dee will call C. Bowles about a lien being placed on the property for late fees.   

Lisa B. stated that Lisa K. should be getting mileage, of $.45 per mile, when doing “official” HOA business.  Steven motioned to approve Lisa K. receiving mileage reimbursement.  Kris seconded, all ayes.

Duty Statement – the Board will review this next month.

Kurt stated that he will need credit card information for the website payment.


Maintenance Report-David B.: David ran the generator, repaired the gate, checked the wells, worked on the road at the frog pond, weed wacked and installed a speed bump.  He worked on the well bunker, Walker’s water line and the Triple Ridge Project.  David stated that well #5 has been running nonstop on weekends.  Is it from low water table, heavy usage on the weekends or possibly a leak?  There was discussion on the eclipse coming up, how many people that may be in Duquette Pines visiting which could cause excessive water usage.  David stated that DPHOA may have to shut down the wells periodically, let them refill and turn them on again or open well #1 (for non-potable usage).  He is checking on information on how we can take the arsenic out of that well.  David will be building a few more gates for the front entrance and helping with moving the electrical conduit from the culvert at the pump house. 
Salary discussion – Lisa B. spoke about the Property Manager being on call 24/7 and she proposes that the Property Manager is paid a $300 per month salary, this does not include any hours worked, only for being available to the subdivision 24/7 in case of emergencies, gate breakage, property owner requests etc.  In addition to that $300 salary, the property manager will be paid $15/hr for every hour worked doing subdivision maintenance, repairs, monitoring, well checks, etc.  David stated he will be resigning soon.  Steven motioned to approve the “on call” amount of $300 per month.  Kris seconded, all ayes.



Old Business:

For dead trees that need to be removed, Kurt will call the owners to set up getting the trees cut down and taken away. 

The draft letters will be revised as discussed and a list made of homeowners that they will be sent to.


New Business:


Open comments from the audience:  Danny Gurwell spoke about the gates being open a lot.  He stated that he bought property in the subdivision because it is a “gated” community and he would like the gates closed more often.  He also spoke about the frog pond road widening project and that it increased our fees.  The Board stated that cost of maintenance has gone up so fees, unfortunately, have to go up too.  Lisa B. stated that the frog pond road area will not be graded until fall. 


Adjourn:  The meeting adjourned at approximately 8:30 pm.  Next meeting scheduled for September 11th. 


Respectfully submitted by:

Dee Woodstrom, Secretary