Boise Basin Library, Idaho City
December 4, 2017 7:00 pm
Attendance: Lisa B., Steve, Kurt, Kris, Dee, David. Absent: Lisa K.
Guests: Elizabeth Prusha-Parlor, Barbara McClain, Scott Woodstrom,
Donna & Randy Bates and Ryan & Leann Hays.
Open Meeting: The meeting was started at 7:00 pm.
Meeting Structure: Lisa B. stated that we are here to talk about the
agenda items only and that questions can be asked at the end of each
Approve Minutes Nov. meeting: Kris motioned to approve the November
minutes. Steve seconded, motion
passed. Kurt abstained as he did not
attend the November meeting.
Financials-Lisa Kindelberger: Lisa K. was not
in attendance. Lisa B. went over the
financial reports and checks were signed.
Kurt motioned to approve the financial reports. Steve seconded, all
Report-David Burt: David ran the generator, checked the wells, checked the dump
valves on Skyline and Willis Way, replaced a pumphouse
window, installed t-posts and snowpoles, went to the
dump, started to dig out culverts, replaced broken gates, repaired a leak on
Willis Way at the fire line, picked up fire supplies, took the remotes to the
Idaho City Fire Department and met with the potential buyer concerning the
vault for the Prusha-Parlor property, etc.
Old Business:
> Water Hookup - Elizabeth Prusha-Parlor was in attendance. The Board stated that the community water
hookup will be allowed for her property with the following caveats, which Elizabeth
will be financially responsible for, unless otherwise specified:
-$500 hook up fee
-A professional will
need to evaluate what is or isn't there
-An easement for the
water line will have to be procurred
-Use of electrician
and plumber familiar with our system is required
-5hp pump will be
needed to push water for fire suppression.
Water will be hooked up, to the vault, by the HOA and the rest will be the homeowners responsibility.
Steve motioned to approve with the stipulations stated. Kurt seconded, all
ayes. There was discussion of setting a
policy on water hookups for "out parcels".
> Violation Letters - Two more letters were prepared for
homeowners with open storage violations.
Kris motioned to approve sending the letters. Steve seconded, all
> Water Agreements - Kris was not
able to get any information in time for this meeting. The Board discussed getting the agreement
into the closing
paperwork for recordation; how to get the agreement to the title companies.
New Business:
> Website update - Kurt is working
on a demo page for a new look to the website.
The Board discussed the need to clean up the site and make everything
current and the Board agreed to take the delinquent fees names off the
website. The Board will discuss again in
January as to what changes will take place on the website.
The meeting adjourned at 7:48 pm and the holiday social followed the meeting.
Respectfully submitted by:
Dee Woodstrom,