Boise Basin Library, Idaho
June 5th, 2017
Open Meeting: The meeting was opened at
7:00 pm.
Meeting Structure: Lisa B. explained that
only agenda items will be discussed during this meeting. She stated that questions can be asked after
each subject is discussed.
Amendment: Lisa B. stated to amend
the agenda to include discussion on a complaint.
Attendance: Lisa B., Kurt, Melissa,
Dee, Lisa K. and David. Absent: Donna.
owners: Kris Wallworth, Ed Fields, Tammy Ogden, Steve Newman, John Gawrys and Ryan
Approve Minutes - May Meetings: Kurt
motioned to approve the May 1st meeting minutes. Melissa seconded,
all ayes. Kurt motioned to approve the
May 9th meeting minutes. Melissa
seconded, all ayes.
Melissa motioned to approve the May 26th meeting
minutes. Kurt seconded,
all ayes.
Financials: Lisa K. presented the financial reports. Checks were signed. Dee motioned to approve the financial reports
as presented and to approve signing of the checks. Melissa seconded, all
Maintenance Report: David stated that last
month; he ran the generator, checked the wells, fixed a
leaking pipe/valve on Ridgeway. David
stated that he has set up an account with Consolidated Supply so we get
municipality water system pricing. David
will be installing more speed bumps, made a dump run, dug out the riser on the
well top that Gardner’s ran into with the snowplow at the well site, painted the
gate booth, weed-whacked around the well area, the new control panel was installed
at the pumphouse, fixed a leak on the corner of Bull Pine and Meadow Drive, talked
about future projects with a surveyor, and the circuit board at the gate was
replaced. There was a question about
needing a permit to disrupt the frog pond during widening of the road in that
area. Lisa B. was told that it does not
need a wetlands permit.
Amend Duty Statement: Per Lisa B., we need to
change the verbiage so it coincides with the insurance request. The requested change
is the wording, from maintenance manager to property manager. Melissa motioned to approve the change to the
Duty Statement. Kurt seconded,
all ayes.
Signs at gate: There was discussion
concerning the contractor and realtor signs outside the gate. Lisa B. started the discussion and The Board
discussed removing of the realtor sign (outside the gate), turning it into a
bulletin board and possibly putting it behind the 5 mph sign as you go out the
gate. All Board members in attendance agreed.
Old Business:
New Business:
Input: Ed Fields spoke about the presentation
from the Idaho City Police and what they could do for Duquette Pines if we were
under contract with them. Ed stated that
it was voted down last year and that the homeowners don’t have any interest in
contracting with Idaho City. Ed also
asked about annexation with Idaho City.
Lisa B. stated that we (the Board) have not been approached by the city.
Lisa Kindelberger’s garage plans: Lisa presented a rendering of her proposed
garage plans. Lisa stated the garage
will be 6’ from the house and 40’ from the property line. Melissa motioned to approve the garage
contingent upon the Board receiving the site plan drawing. Dee seconded, all ayes.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned
at 8:18 p.m.
submitted by Dee Woodstrom, DPHOA Secretary