Boise Basin Library, Idaho
March 6th, 2017
Open Meeting: Lisa B. opened the
meeting at 7:06 pm.
Meeting Structure: Lisa B. spoke about the structure of the
Lisa B., Kurt, Melissa, Lisa K. and Karter. Absent:
Dee and Donna.
Guests: Brent Adamson, Paul Head, Roy
Doan, Scott and Lisa Jackson and Megan.
Approve Meeting Minutes Feb.
6, 2017: Kurt motioned to approve the minutes. Melissa seconded. Motion passed.
Financials- Lisa Kindelberger: Financial reports were reviewed and checks
were signed. Melissa motioned to approve
the financial reports as presented. Kurt
seconded. Motion passed.
– Lisa B. requested reimbursement for printer ink. A receipt was given in the amount of
$46.97. Melissa motioned to approve the
reimbursement. Kurt seconded. Motion passed.
Maintenance report- Karter
Thompson: Karter reported, for the month of March, that
he put gravel on the roads, fixed a no trespassing sign on the well road and
ran the generator. Also, he talked about working on the water leak.
Adamson gave a presentation to the Board and homeowners at the meeting. Brent talked about when DEQ needs to be
called and stated that there is a new contact person there which he updated her
with Idaho water systems. Brent stated
that he tested the water for both arsenic and coliform after the leak off
Meadow Drive was repaired. Brent also
stated that DEQ’s established, safe arsenic level used to be 50 ppb (parts per
billion) until 2009, the new level states that the level should be less than 10
line hook up procedure/policy - Lisa B. talked about the repair costs for the
recent leak and that we should have a definitive policy for the water hookup
between the Duquette Pines water main and a
Brent stated that all hydrants must have backflow devices between them and the
main waterline and that the main line to hydrants are the responsibility and
property of Duquette Pines. Any hook up from a main line to a hydrant
(hot tap) must be done by a licensed plumber that the Homeowner’s Association
Board has approved and must use approved piping. Roy Doan stated that there was a previous
diagram that was used by plumbers to do the hot tap.
Old Business:
3 Ballot – The final draft of the ballot was presented and was given to the
audience to view, and they did. It was
collected at the end of the meeting. Kurt
motioned to approve the Division 3 ballot as presented. Melissa seconded. Motion passed. Lisa K. will prepare them for mailing out.
policy – The Board stated to add a stipulation for formal complaints. This will be discussed again at next month’s
New Business:
– Lisa B. asked Brent Adamson if he could prepare an article on Duquette Pines water and give arsenic information. Lisa K. spoke about putting information in
the newsletter concerning broken/damaged trees and bark beetles. The Board discussed having all information
turned in to Lisa K. for a May mailing.
Lisa B. asked the Board to think of something they want to share with
the residents and write a short article.
They agreed. Lisa B. also stated
that any resident who wants to write an article for the newsletter is more than
welcome to.
4 Water Assessments – This subject concerned Division 4 property owners paying
a fee for water that would be used if they had a fire at their location. Lisa B. spoke about Division 4 property
owners using Duquette Pines water system in the event
of a fire. The topic was discussed with several property owners in
attendance. Lisa B. spoke about the CC&Rs for that division which
states that the properties are required to have stand pipes. Brent Adamson stated that there is not enough
water pressure from their private wells to be able to fight fires. Brent also stated that there is a Conditional
Use Permit for fire. A 10,000 gallon
tank was installed for this purpose.
Brent and Roy Doan stated that a $5 increase was implemented, in the
past, to accommodate in case of fire.
Kurt checked past meeting minutes and stated that this was approved at
the May 2008 annual meeting. The Board
will gather more information to discuss this at a future date.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pm.
Notes taken at the
meeting by Melissa Head.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Dee Woodstrom
VP & Secretary/DPHOA