Boise Basin Library, Idaho City
May 1st, 2017
Open Meeting: Lisa B. opened the
meeting at 7:02 pm.
Amendment to agenda: The Board will
review the Burget fence and a lot line adjustment for Crancers.
Meeting Structure: Lisa B. stated
that any subjects other than what is on the agenda will not be discussed. Everyone is invited to ask questions on the
subjects on the agenda, after each item is discussed by the Board.
Attendance: Lisa B, Donna, Kurt,
David, Lisa K., Melissa and Dee.
Property owners: Rich Pfeiffer, Sal
Manzo, Jon Long, Steve Newman, JR & Kris Wallworth, Dawn Doepke and Scott
Taylor, Suzanne Wingo, Randy Bates and Janette Crancer.
Approve Minutes April 3rd & 7th: Melissa motioned to approve the April 3rd
and April 7th minutes. Lisa seconded, all ayes.
Financials: Lisa K. stated that
she will be filing two new liens for unpaid maintenance fees on M. Wadley and Caroline
Checks were presented for
signatures. Kurt motioned to approve all
the checks submitted. Donna seconded, all ayes.
Budget/Annual Meeting Agenda-schedule special meeting: The meeting to review and set the next years
budget will be on Tuesday, May 9th at 7:00 pm, 6 Elderberry Circle
in Duquette Pines.
Maintenance Report: David stated
that he ran the generator, built entrance gate arms, took down snow poles, repaired
signs and posts from the winter damage, inspected culverts, is working on
getting rid of ants in one of the big logs at the gate entrance, pumped out the
bunker at the well area and found that it is connected to the wells. David will have a plumber check the
connections and see what we can or should do with the bunker. David stated that the fence posts in the
meadow are deteriorating and would like to know what the Board wants to do
about them. The Board decided to clean
up what is already down and then as they fall, they will be taken away. David talked about installing speed bumps around
the subdivision. He stated that they will
be installed after final grading the end of May, except on part of Meadow Drive, one will be put in soon.
Review Project Bids discuss/decide:
Triple Ridge bids from Secor Construction and Tom Nelson were
reviewed. There was discussion concerning
paying 50% up front on the Secor Construction bid. Dee motioned to approve the bid without the
50% down. Donna seconded,
all ayes.
electrical outside of the well house. The bids were from Mr. Electric and High
Ground Electric. This will be tabled so we
can get more information.
Frog pond corner The bids were from
Secor Construction, Tom Nelson and Gardner Construction. Kurt motioned to accept Tom Nelson bid with
the condition that we get the approval from the Army Corps of Engineers. The approval has to do with the frog pond
possibly being a wetland. Donna seconded, all ayes.
Old Business:
Fine Policy-online
voting/ballot This policy is for CCR violators and will need 75% of votes in
each subdivision for it to pass. Kurt checked
out online voting and presented information about each company contacted. It was decided to stay with the paper
ballot. The ballots will be color coded
according to the divisions. Kurt
motioned to prepare for paper ballots, contingent upon getting the go ahead
from our attorney (who is reviewing the document). Melissa seconded, all
assignments/deadline May 8th is when all information needs to be
sent over to Lisa K. so she can put the newsletter together for mailing. The following subjects will be in the
newsletter: David water conservation, Melissa - elections, Dee summer
get-together and fine policy, Kurt civic duty and responsibility and
volunteer day (June), Donna food or wildflowers and Lisa B. - assessment
New Business:
Suzanne Wingo - Fence
plans She did not present her plans as they are not ready yet.
Dawn Doepke and Scott
Taylor - Summer plans at 13 Hummingbird Way. They are requesting to have a travel trailer
on the building site while working on the property. October 1st is when they plan on
taking the trailer off the lot. Melissa
motioned to approve the travel trailer being on the property with a removal
date of October 1st. Kurt seconded, all ayes.
JR Wallworth -
Outbuilding plans/lot line adjustment JR stated they are vacating the line
between the two properties they own.
Donna motioned to allow him to vacate the lot line legally. Melissa seconded, all
ayes. Outbuilding plans were presented
and it will have the same shell as the home.
Melissa motioned to approve the outbuilding. Donna seconded, all
fence plans This request is for a fence to be installed on the back side of
his property. Melissa motioned to
approve the fence. Kurt seconded, motion
passed. Donna abstained from the vote.
Crancer wants to build a carport but needs to have a lot line adjustment,
with her neighbor, for it to fit where she wants to place it on her
property. Melissa motioned to move
forward to get the lot line adjustment.
Kurt seconded, all ayes.
Adjourn: The meeting was
adjourned at 8:24 pm.
submitted by Dee Woodstrom, DPHOA Secretary