Boise Basin Library, Idaho City
November 6th, 2017
Attendance: Lisa B., Steve, Kris, Dee, David and Lisa K. Absent: Kurt.
Guests/Property Owners: Clint Watson, Danny Youngwerth,
Elizabeth Prusha-Parlor, Barbara McClain, Charles Hanzel and Scotty Hild.
Open Meeting: The meeting began at 7:01
Meeting Structure: Lisa B. explained, to the
attendees, that the meeting is for conducting HOA business and all discussions
will be what has been agendized. Questions may be asked after each item on the
agenda is discussed by the Board.
Approve Minutes - Oct. 2
Meeting: Steve
motioned to approve the minutes. Kris seconded,
motion passed.
Financials- Lisa Kindelberger: Lisa stated that she has returned checks (NSF)
and that there is nothing in the financial policy concerning any NSF fees being
charged to the person that has given an NSF check. There was discussion as to the amount that
should be charged. Kris motioned to
instate, as of January 1st, 2018, a $20 fee, for each NSF check
received. Steve seconded, motion passed.
Lisa stated that late statements were sent out
in October. She said that she hasn’t
gotten many people signing up to go paperless for their statement of fees. The Board will have the information posted to
the website (that we can email paperless statements for fees).
Checks were signed.
Steve motioned to approve the financial
statements. Kris seconded, motion passed.
- Discuss/approve
Duty Statement – Looks good per Lisa.
Kris motioned to approve with the changes discussed. Steve 2nd. Motion passed.
Maintenance Report-David
Burt: David
checked the generator and wells, went to Boise to pick up supplies, took out
the speed bumps and repaired the incoming gate (4 times). He is replacing the coffee cans with caps on
the stand pipes, checked on the Maffly cleanup, put
the fire information on the bulletin board in the shed, worked on the area
where the water pipe goes to the commons area, put up snow poles and checked on
property owners debris on Willis Way, among other things to prepare for winter,
- Culverts/road
work: Gardner’s will be replacing several
culverts that need to be replaced or worked on. Kris motioned for Gardner’s to go ahead
with the culvert work/replacement.
Steve seconded, motion passed.
Old Business:
- Violation
letter addition – After sending out several letters to property owners,
the Board discussed if there were any others that we may have missed (to
send a letter to). There were two
others that may need letters sent to them, the Board will check out the
properties to verify that they need a letter.
- Fire
Protocol/procedure – Lisa B. stated that the Sheriff is still working on
the document.
New Business:
- Firewise/Meadow-Clint Watson – The homeowner
spoke to the Board concerning the weeds in the meadow and that he feels it
is a fire hazard. The Board and
audience discussed this and found that Boise County may have money to
spend on firewise. This will be checked out and if there is
funding, part of the meadow could be mowed. There was discussion of only mowing the
outer 20-25 feet of the meadow versus the whole area, partially because
there is a lot of wildlife in the meadow and most of it is natural grasses,
not weeds. Lisa B. stated that she
spoke to someone that would mow part of the meadow. The Board will look into what can be
done in the meadow and if feasible, the outside 20-25 feet will be mowed
in June as that would be the safest time to do it.
- Water
hookup – This is concerning Elizabeth Prusha-Parlor’s
property, which is an out parcel in the Division 4 area. She is selling her property and is here
to discuss the water hookup to the community water system. There was discussion about the vault
(that it is possibly part of the system for her waterline), the actual
water pipes and where they might be located, water rights, easements, etc. The pump and other components in the
vault are completely rusted (per David, Property Manager, as he has
checked it out) and all will need to be replaced. The Board discussed that the new owner
will need to install a power meter and he may possibly have to get an
easement if the water pipe going to the property goes across another’s private
property. The Board will make a decision
on allowing hookup to the community water system at the December meeting. The Board discussed the hookup process
and would like the new owner to use the electrician and plumber that are
familiar with our system.
- Water
Agreements – The Board discussed a past used document to have new
homeowners sign an agreement stating the usage of the community water
system. Kris stated that she will
check out the document and discuss it at next month’s meeting.
- Donation
to ICVFD – Lisa B. stated that because of the recent fire here in Duquette Pines the Idaho City Volunteer Fire
Department would like to have five (5) gate remotes, one for each of their
vehicles, so they
don't have to use precious time stopping, getting out of the trucks, and
pushing the key pad manually.
Kris motioned to donate 5 remotes to the ICVFD. Steve seconded, motion passed. Does the Idaho City ambulance need a
remote also? The Board will talk to
them to see if they have one already and if not, we will give them one.
- December
holiday party – The party will be after the meeting on Monday, December 4th.
Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 8:30
pm. The next meeting will be December 4th.
Respectfully submitted by:
Dee Woodstrom,