Boise Basin Library, Idaho City

November 6th, 2017



Attendance: Lisa B., Steve, Kris, Dee, David and Lisa K.  Absent: Kurt.  Guests/Property Owners: Clint Watson, Danny Youngwerth, Elizabeth Prusha-Parlor, Barbara McClain, Charles Hanzel and Scotty Hild.


Open Meeting:  The meeting began at 7:01 pm.


Meeting Structure:  Lisa B. explained, to the attendees, that the meeting is for conducting HOA business and all discussions will be what has been agendized.  Questions may be asked after each item on the agenda is discussed by the Board.


Approve Minutes - Oct. 2 Meeting:  Steve motioned to approve the minutes.  Kris seconded, motion passed.


Financials- Lisa Kindelberger:  Lisa stated that she has returned checks (NSF) and that there is nothing in the financial policy concerning any NSF fees being charged to the person that has given an NSF check.  There was discussion as to the amount that should be charged.  Kris motioned to instate, as of January 1st, 2018, a $20 fee, for each NSF check received.  Steve seconded, motion passed.

Lisa stated that late statements were sent out in October.  She said that she hasn’t gotten many people signing up to go paperless for their statement of fees.  The Board will have the information posted to the website (that we can email paperless statements for fees). 

Checks were signed. 

Steve motioned to approve the financial statements.  Kris seconded, motion passed.


Maintenance Report-David Burt:  David checked the generator and wells, went to Boise to pick up supplies, took out the speed bumps and repaired the incoming gate (4 times).  He is replacing the coffee cans with caps on the stand pipes, checked on the Maffly cleanup, put the fire information on the bulletin board in the shed, worked on the area where the water pipe goes to the commons area, put up snow poles and checked on property owners debris on Willis Way, among other things to prepare for winter, etc.


Old Business:




New Business:      


Adjourn:  The meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.  The next meeting will be December 4th.


Respectfully submitted by:

Dee Woodstrom, Secretary