Boise Basin Library, Idaho City
October 2nd, 2017
Attendance: Lisa B., Steve, Kris,
Kurt, Dee, David. Property owners:
Stubblefield, Clayton & Tammy Wilson and Bob Albright.
Open meeting: The meeting was opened at 7:01 pm.
Meeting Structure: Lisa B. stated that
we are here to talk about what is on the agenda, and questions can be asked
after each item discussed.
Approve Minutes Sept. 11 Meeting: Kris motioned to
approve the September 11th minutes.
Steve seconded, all ayes.
Financials-Lisa B.: Lisa K. was not in attendance, Lisa B. presented the Financial Statement. Kurt motioned to approve the financial
statements. Kris seconded,
all ayes.
Duty Statement – This is for the
Treasurer’s position. Lisa B. stated she
will send out a review draft.
Maintenance Report-David: The Property
Manager stated he ran the generator, checked wells, replaced gate arms and
adjusted them, checked out dead trees and culverts, walked Maffly's property to assess the situation, found
water running and turned the water off to the property, opened gates for homeowners, helped with the fire on Rosebush
Drive, researched fire supplies for standpipes, cleaned up barbwire and performed various other “maintenance” jobs. David stated that coming up soon he will remove
the speedbumps, install t-posts and snow poles, working on bunker doors and the
roof cap over the meters at the wells.
He stated that some dump valves need replacing. He will be taking posts down on Triple Ridge
before the snow comes.
Culverts/roadwork – This subject
was not discussed as the quote was not received prior to this meeting.
Fire supplies – Duquette
Pines Association does not have a fire hose or nozzle. After researching, we could get a hose setup,
to have on hand, for a cost of $160.00. Steven
motioned to purchase the fire hose and nozzle.
Kurt seconded, all ayes. There was discussion as to the threading of
the fittings for the hose/nozzle. The
threading needs to be a “fire” type threading.
Old Business:
Erbe's carport – There was discussion
as to the distance of the carport from the road and that there has to be
another place to put the carport, on their property. Kris motioned to deny the carport being
placed in the area the Erbe’s are requesting.
Steve seconded, all ayes.
Open storage letters – There was discussion
on who to send letters to and if all are in agreement
as to the list of names that has been given.
Kris motioned to have the letter sent to the people on the list. Steve seconded, all
Newsletter – David will write
about fire supplies, Kris about culverts, Steve about preparing your home for
winter, Kurt about winterizing (chimney maintenance), Lisa K. about electronic
statements, Dee about a holiday party after the December meeting and reminder
on winter driving. The deadline for the
articles is October 16th.
New Business:
Stubblefield Trees – Kurt viewed
the property and talked with Mr. Stubblefield.
The property is under two (2) acres total and Mr. Stubblefield has 23
trees marked for removal. Mr.
Stubblefield stated he is concerned about the trees falling on his house. Mr. Stubblefield stated that he talked to
Alan Ward about removing them. The Board
reviewed the rendering that Kurt had on his laptop and discussed the
removal. The Board stated there are 8 trees
that are close to the house that could be removed but the rest should not be
removed as none of the trees are dead or diseased and that removing so many
healthy trees all at once could possibly interfere with the natural ecosystem,
not to mention that it is against the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions
for the subdivision. The debris from
live trees, coupled with the debris he already has on his property, would
create more of a fire hazard and bug problem for the subdivision. Mr. Stubblefield stated he wants to have the
trees removed asap.
Kurt motioned to not allow the removal of any trees. Kris seconded, all
Fire Protocol – With the recent fire on Rosebush
Drive, nobody on the Board was contacted when the fire was reported to
911. Lisa B, spoke to the Sheriff and he
will draft a protocol document for Duquette Pines. Instructions for what to do in case of a fire
and a fire supply box, with a hose and nozzle, will be put in the shed.
Adjourn: The meeting was
adjourned at 7:56 pm. Next meeting will
be November 6th.
Respectfully submitted by Dee
Woodstrom, Secretary