Boise Basin Library, Idaho City

September 11th, 2017


Open meeting: The meeting was opened at 7:00 pm.

Attendance: Lisa Burt, Kris Wallworth, Steve Newman, Kurt Sundquist and Lisa Kindelberger.  Homeowners: Aaron Erbe.  Absent: Dee Woodstrom and David Burt.

Meeting Structure:   Nothing was stated.

Approve Minutes – August Meeting
: Kurt motioned to approve the minutes and Steve seconded, motion passed.

Financial-Lisa K.:  The balance sheet as of Aug. 11th 2017 was presented.
Delinquent accounts - There was discussion about property owner, Bowles, delinquency of fees.  Several attempts have been made to contact the owner with no avail.  A lien was filed but was returned via mail. Lisa B. will try to stop by to get additional information and/or current owner information.
Duty Statement discuss/approve – the draft of the bookkeeper’s Duty Statement was presented but will be discussed at a future meeting.
Steven motioned to approve checks being signed and Kurt seconded, motion passed.

Maintenance Report - Lisa B.:  Lisa B. stated that David worked on the generator, did well checks, the Triple Ridge gate has been completed, signs were put up for eclipse (“No Camping”) around subdivision, he moved rock at Triple Ridge gate with Steve Newman, worked on the well #5 upgrade, built two gates, fixed Bullfrog dump valve, assisted in a leak repair and dump valve installation at Crancer’s, placed a bench in the meadow, installed the bulletin board at the gate, removed all the old electrical/conduit from the culverts and took it to the dump, as well as old posts/barbed wire from area around shed.


Fire hose/hydrants/fittings - DPHOA currently does not own a fire hose.  David will find information on the cost and we will discuss/approve at October meeting. There was also a discussion about some homeowners not having the proper fittings on their hydrants.  David will write an article about fire hoses/fittings/cost in the newsletter.

Culverts - Culverts need replacing and cleaning.  Lisa B. will get bids for repairing & cleaning.  “Volunteers needed” for culvert clean-outs will be in the next newsletter.  Aspen Drive has two, Deer Drive, Gold Hill Road and Willis Way each have one that need attention.


Old Business:

Violation letters – dead/dying tree letter, add Cowles and Ellsworth.  Debris letters, add Snyder and Mann.
Suzanne Wingo will let us know if she is going to need to remove those trees for internet service. 

New Business:

Mark Conte Shed Plans - The homeowner was not in attendance. There was discussion as to the boundaries where the shed will be.  The Board stated that an approval is contingent upon the final measurements being 35 ft. from the road boundary pins.  Steve motioned this approval, Kurt seconded, motion passed.

Erbe Carport Plans - The plans were not approved and were placed on the October meeting agenda. The Board stated they need clarification on where the boundaries and measurements will be.  The Board members will look at property and discuss at the next meeting.

Email discussions/approval - There was discussion to approve minutes via email so they can be posted before the next Board meeting.

Word subscription - Lisa B. stated she would like DPHOA to pay for the $59.99 annual fee.  Kurt will look into no cost opportunities and will let Lisa B. know.


Newsletter - Fire hoses & connectors, culverts (Kris Wallworth to write an article), winter preparation (Kurt Sundquist to write an article).  The newsletter will be out the middle of October.

The next meeting will be October 2nd, 2017 at 7:00 pm.

Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Kris Wallworth and
typed by Dee Woodstrom, Secretary