Approximately 30 property owners attended the Duquette Pines Association annual
meeting on May 19, 2007.
• The financial report was presented.
• President Brent Adamson welcomed Duquette Division #4 to their first
Annual meeting since the October 2006 election changing the Bylaws to include
Division #4 to the Association.
• Manager, Jim White, provided an update on road, gate and water issues.
With the assistance of Ray Eklund, Association member and District Silviculturist
for the Idaho City Ranger District of the USDA Forest Service, Jim reminded
owners of the need to remove dead/diseased trees from their property to help
eliminate further beetle infestation. (See Tree Health article in the March
2007 newsletter for further information).
• The members were advised that the Board had approved a ‘dust
abatement’ application by our road contractor, Gardner Construction,
for all roads in Duquette Pines. This application process will consist of
magnesium chloride in a
water dilution to be applied 3 or 4 times. This is being done this year on
a ‘trial basis’ to determine the effectiveness of the procedure
and the product.
• Bylaws: Prior to the Annual meeting, letters had been sent to property
owners to advise of a proposal to amend Article IX, Section D of the Bylaws
of DPACB dba DPHOA. This section addressed limitations (‘term limits’)
for Board Members.
Members were advised that a vote would be held at the Annual meeting and members
in attendance could vote at this meeting or, members who were unable to be
present at the meeting were able to provide a proxy. A vote was held of the
present, including the proxy ballots. The proposal to change the bylaws to
eliminate term limits was unanimously approved.
• Elections: Three Board positions will be open in 2007. The election
process was explained and nominations were opened at the meeting and accepted
June 15, 2007. Ballots will be mailed by the end of June and must be received
back by July
15, 2007.
• Fire House: The Board is working with the Idaho City Volunteer Fire
Department with the goal of having a ‘satellite’ fire station
in Duquette Pines with Idaho City Fire Department providing a truck to be
housed in Duquette. The consensus of the
members present at this annual meeting was that a fire station was a priority
for Duquette Pines. Discussion was held regarding possible location for the
fire house and options for building materials. This will be a major project
and the Board is obtaining information necessary to be able to proceed with
a proposal for the Association members. We are obtaining information to determine
size of structure needed; cost estimates for a building and review the location
and Duquette street addresses are as follows:
Brent Adamson / 27 Skyline Rd (Sub 1)
Roy Doan / 55 Rosebush (Sub 4)
Jared Harrington / 5 Chipmunk Circle (Sub 3)
Kim Heintzman / 11 Aspen Cr. (Sub 1)
resident of Duquette for approximately 14 years. Brent would like to help
in stabilizing the finished projects from
the merger of Div 4—and move us forward in a continued quality direction.
He would like to clean up current
projects, especially the work on the firehouse.
Mr. Doan has owned property in Duquette for approximately three years. He
states that he is especially
interested in the future of our common areas, such as the small portion of
the meadow that remains commonly held,
and the land that has been set aside for RV storage.
Mr. Harrington was raised in Boise County, but is new this year to our subdivision.
He indicates that, if elected,
he plans to listen to the concerns of other residents and try to make the
neighborhood the best one possible.
Mr. Heintzman has owned property in Duquette for two years. He wants to do
what he can to retain this
subdivision’s special quality. He finds the people at Duquette to be
friendly and wants everyone to be
proud that they live here. He thinks he can be a voice for their concerns.
He would like to continue to address
the dust issue on the roads and to make sure that everyone in Duquette feels
the board is representing
DPHOA Board Member Election
The Duquette Pines Homeowners Association Board (Architectural Control Board)
consists of five board members
and two alternates. An alternate will fill a board member’s position
should an existing Association board member vacate
his/her position, until tenure of the position expires or another election
is held. Board member terms are three years and
begin August 1, 2007.
As property owners in Duquette Pines Subdivisions 1, 2, 3, and 4 you have
the opportunity to elect three Board members
to the DPHOA Board this year. The seats currently held by Brent Adamson and
Theresa Mann (three year terms) will
be filled when ballots received by July 15, 2007 are counted.
In addition, Elizabeth Nelson was the alternate selected to fill the seat
of prior Board Member Carol Kirkland (resigned).
The person elected to fill this seat at this election (the nominee receiving
the third highest number of votes) will complete the
final year of that three year term and the position will end on August 1,
It’s important that each of us take the time to consider our vote as
we continue to address issues relevant to all property
owners. Board members attend not only regular and special board meetings but
also community meetings, and work on
various Board and subdivision projects. All these activities require a considerable
commitment of time by each Board
The 2007-2008 Invoices are included in this mailing. Owners with balances
owing will also receive a Statement of the
outstanding amount. You will notice a change in the fees for road and site
maintenance this year. The Board determined that we were able to minimize
the increase to Sub #4 and did not have to raise them to the rate previously
being paid by the other Subdivisions - and, in fact, were able to decrease
the others to establish one road and site assessment fee at $340.00 per
year. Water users’ rate will be maintained at $240.00 per year.
As we enter the hottest and driest time of the year, we are reminded how vulnerable
Duquette Pines is to a
catastrophic wildfire.
Our subdivision borders BLM-administered property on the west that has not
been adequately managed to reduce
the threat of fires. Unfortunately, that’s the direction of the prevailing
winds. The Board has pushed for a prescribed burn on
this federally held property, but it did not happen this past spring.
Luckily, we are the recipient of another county-administered grant that, coupled
with the first wildfire mitigation
grant we received, should offer D.P. residents some protection.
Last week our manager, Jim White, met with Gordon Ravenscroft, the county’s
disaster services coordinator, to
see how best to spend the $60,000. The grant money allows crews to thin and
remove fuel buildup on our properties. Our
responsibilities are minimal: do something with the slash piles.
If you’re interested in being part of this, talk to your neighbors who
were part of the first grant, or contact Jim
White. He’s got the details.