Annual Meeting
Our annual meeting is at the end of this month and we
thought you would want to know. We
have no big news to announce at this year’s meeting; we’re guessing you
already know about the recession that’s going on, so that won’t be a
surprise if we mention that topic.
Besides the usual topics of water, road, budget, elections, and fire
prevention—we thought we would talk about the other topic that gets
mentioned—dust abatement. Last year,
by all the responses we got, it was great.
We are planning on doing the same this year if we find a suitable
price and contractor.
our website at for information about what is going
on. If you have questions you can
always email or call one of us, anytime.
come and have a cup of coffee and talk with your neighbors. The date—May 30, 2009 at
the Senior Center in Idaho City on Bear Run road, 10:00 am.