Mountain Folk News
June 2003
Land Update
by Brent Adamson
Even though Division 4 is separate from what we do in Divisions 1, 2 and 3; we
all are interested in what is going on and how it interfaces with our lives. As
you probably have noticed, they are doing some road work including top coating
and widening of Meadow Drive. The entrance is slowly being worked on and we should
continue to see some activity in the next several weeks.
Since water
is a big concern to all of us, including water for fire suppression, I thought
I would let you know where we are in terms of fire protection. Western Land is
on track to install a 10,000 gallon tank for fire suppression. It will be a stand-alone
tank for fire suppression only. As you may be aware, we currently have no place
to store (park) our pickup tank sprayer, or other equipment. So we are in discussions
with WLC to have a 10,000 gal tank installed in our water system that would be
potable and accessible at our fire stand pipes throughout the development. We
are also talking about securing a plot of land to build a garage type building
to house our truck and any future equipment.
As I mentioned, we are
in discussions; I believe that the outcome will be a positive one that benefits
both divisions 1-3 and 4 as it continues to develop. We discussed this at the
annual meeting and most folks had a good response and helped us formulate some
additional ideas for presentation to WLC. We will keep you posted as things develop.
From Brent's Desk
I realize that by
the time you read this it may be officially summer; but we still need to think
about spring cleanup. I have been on a rather large remodel project for the last
2+ years; and it has created havoc with the landscape around our home. I stepped
back and looked the other day and realized that if my neighbor were trying to
sell his house, the appearance of my property would have a negative impact on
that event. Now I may have a good excuse; but it still looks unkempt around here.
So, now I have to pick up all the loose lumber and other things Ive piled
around while I was building. The inside is not done; but the siding is on, so
now it is time to clean up outside. It looks like I will have plenty of scrap
to have another winter bonfire. Take a look around; you may find some of what
I found. Happy cleaning!
things impact you at an early age and continue to have influence over you as you
age. Two of those things in my life are litter and vandalism. As I drove the kids
to school this past year, it was bothersome to me to see that folks are throwing
trash on the roadway. It seems most evident on Mondays, and I would guess it is
because of weekend usage. On the way back from school I would stop and pick up
various items along our Duquette road. It was with some odd comments (since I
dont drink Bud) that my kids would greet me in the afternoon, after seeing
the trash in the back of our pickup. Vandalism, like litter produces only one
question in my mind: Why? It seems senseless that we would tear up or paint ball
our surroundings. If youre doing it, send me a note and fill me in on why
you do. But more importantly, let us know if you see suspicious or impolite activity.
One person might feel overwhelmed; but as a community, we can encourage all of
our folks to watch out for each other. Its a great place to be, lets
enjoy it as it was designed.
I saw this the other day:
you are lucky enough to be in the mountains, youre lucky enough
with CCRs
The Board would like to remind property owners that
the CCRs address the appropriate storage of vehicles, equipment and bulk
storage that
may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to any
of the surrounding owners. We would ask that owners of such storage
please take appropriate action to eliminate any potential nuisance
by storing such property in an existing approved enclosed building; submitting
plans to the Board for approval of such a building if you desire to continue storage
on your property; or removal of the vehicle/equipment/bulk storage. To ensure
that all owners continue to benefit from the CCRs, the Board will be sending letters
to certain owners regarding issues of non-compliance with the CCRs requesting
cooperation in keeping Duquette Pines a pleasant place to live. The Board believes
its obligation to all owners requires action when non-compliance of the CCRs infringes
on other owners and, therefore, is prepared to seek legal action in those cases.
Please help us avoid the necessity for such action.
of CCRs
The Board is reviewing the individual CCRs of Duquette
Pines Subdivisions 1, 2 and 3 and preparing a Summary of Comparison
for consideration of combining the CCRs of these three subdivisions. While the
CCRs are similar, there are some differences that, if modified, would allow for
more consistent governance. We ask your input and identification of any portions
of the CCRs that might need modification. Upon completion of the Comparison,
recommendations for changes will be provided to all owners for review. A 75% vote
of the owners of each division is required to modify or amend the CCRs
Road Safety
This time of year the
weather is nice almost every day and we all love to get outside to enjoy our beautiful
surroundings. But we are having a problem, folks; a problem with speeding cars,
4-wheelers and motorbikes. Recently there was a young man (not a resident) whose
car went off Meadow Drive, rolling and hitting a tree. The car was a total loss,
but miraculously the young man wasnt hurt. Not only could he have been seriously
hurt, but any child or adult walking in the area at the time could have easily
been seriously hurt as well.
Our subdivision speed limit is 20 miles
per hour. This may seem slow when you are late for work or enjoying a nice evening
on your dirt bike. But 20 miles per hour is a safe speed for our roads.
Your board has gathered information and is looking at some methods for controlling
speeding drivers. One thought we have had is to add speed bumps or dips in strategic
locations throughout the subdivision--especially the longer, straighter stretches.
We conducted an email survey about the idea of speed bumps, and out of 15 residents
responding, 9 support speed bumps, 4 oppose, and 1 person did not feel strongly
one way or another.
The sheriffs department is going to cooperate
by driving through the subdivision as much as possible. The deputy I spoke to
reminded me that they cannot enforce speeding regulations on private property.
However, if we witness reckless driving in the subdivision, we are to try to get
the license number of the driver, as well as a description. The witness must sign
the citation along with the officer. If the driver is charged and must go to court,
the witness must be able to testify as to the identity of the driver.
The most effective solution is prevention. So parents, please teach your kids
good driving habits, whether by car, 4-wheeler or dirt bike. And adults, it is
your responsibility to model good driving behavior; speed included.
Ballots Due July 15, 2003
year property owners have the opportunity to elect one board member. Ray Eklund
completes a three-year term the end of July, and that position will be filled
at this election. Board member terms are three years and begin August 1st.
Its important that each of us take the time to consider our vote, as
major changes are continuing for the subdivision. As a result, Board members attend
not only regular and special board meetings, but also community meetings. They
also work on various Board and subdivision projects. All these activities require
a considerable commitment of time by each Board member.
The ballot you
receive has important information concerning your vote. To have your vote count,
the ballot must be signed by the owner. Please, take time to consider your vote,
read the directions on the ballot carefully, and return your ballot early so
that it will be received no later than July 15, 2003.
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