Water Standpipe and Water System Hookup The water hookup and standpipe installation specifications are the standard for all lots located within the Duquette Pines Subdivision. The specifications are set forth in the Subdivision covenants (Item 18, Division 1 and Item 19, Divisions 2 and 3). Additional specifications and information are included to assist the owner. Prior to starting construction and after construction plans have been approved by the Board, the owner will be provided a copy of a document titled "Typical Residential Water Hookup" that details the specific parts needed for the hookup. It also provides top- and side-view diagrams. All work, including the hot tap, must be completed by a licensed plumbing contractor. Subdivision water hookup fees are payable prior to work commencement. Water Line Repairs The owner's responsibility for water line repairs is with the supplemental line from the main shutoff valve to the house including the standpipe. The Board is responsible from the main line up to and including the main shutoff valve. If you have a home but you do not live in the subdivision year-round, you may want to be sure the property manager and the Board has a phone number where you can be reached in case a water-related problem occurs that needs your immediate attention.
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