Contact Us

Board of Directors

The Duquette Pines Homeowners Association Board of Directors is composed of five individuals, each elected by the property owners for a term of three years.

Carol Kirkland
Sherilyn Comish
Bryce Sitter
Brent Adamson
Zeb Wladyka

Property Manager

Rachel O’Brien , (208)392-5223
Emergencies only call (208) 392-9043

Admin. Asst./Bookkeeper

BCPM HOA Community Management

The BCPM office is open Monday – Friday from 9 am to 5 pm except for holidays.  Send any HOA or Billing related questions via email:  or by calling  the BCPM office at 208-906-0638.


Board Responsibilities

The Duquette Pines Architectural Control Board, Inc., currently does business under the name “Duquette Pines Homeowners Association” (DPHOA). There is no change in how we do business or the workings of the Board, but the change more accurately reflects our purpose.

These are the responsibilities of the DPHOA Board:
— Approval or disapproval of building plans and granting waivers or variances where appropriate;
— Set road and site maintenance and snow removal assessment rates;
— Manage the property, business and affairs of the Association;
— Oversee the maintenance of common grounds and subdivision roads;
— Hire and/or contract for the necessary services to ensure the maintenance of roads, water system and common areas;
— Water system maintenance;
— Billing and collection of subdivision assessments; and
— Review complaints and when necessary, act upon owner/resident Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CCRs) violations.

The Property Manager and the DPHOA Board coordinate road and site maintenance and snow removal work. Owners can direct any questions or problems to any Board member.