New Residents

We’re glad to have you as neighbors! Please make sure you receive our Welcome packet. In it you will find a little bit of everything, including a history of Duquette Pines, information about building plans, road maintenance, the water system, covenants and assessments. It also contains helpful information regarding fire safety, wild animal safety, and a list of County and local services.

A couple of things to remember if you will be building in the subdivision:
1. The Duquette Pines Homeowners Association (DPHOA) Board has the responsibility to review and approve building plans for all structures prior to construction. This includes requests for variances. You will find details in the Welcome Packet, as well as a list of the property owner’s responsibilities.

2. The water hookup and standpipe installation specifications are standard for all lots in the subdivision, with access to the community water system. Once you’ve paid your hookup fee, you will receive a water hookup diagram and parts list. Prior to starting construction, you will need to contact the Property Manager to coordinate your hookup.