Water System

July 2022 Water Confidence Report

In Divisions One, Two, Three, and some of the lots in Four, we get our water from four community wells. The water from these wells is stored in three 10,000 gallon storage tanks. A series of pipes under the roads distributes the water throughout the subdivision.

Our system includes the wells, well pumps, tanks, and main water lines, up to, and including, the main water shut off valve that connects to each property owner’s water lines.

Maintenance of the system includes water quality testing as scheduled by the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality, and repairs or replacement of well pumps or other system components. Our water tester is Brent Adamson. We are rightfully proud of the quality of our water.

The State Dept of Environmental Quality has a mandatory testing procedure, which our water tester, Brent Adamson, follows each month. There are also a series of annual tests which he conducts.

By law, we must notify homeowners if our water fails to meet state standards. We post notices at the gate and use the front page of our website to notify folks as soon as we hear there’s a problem.

The most common drinking water problem we’ve faced is contamination by disease-causing germs. This usually is the result of dirt getting into the system when someone new comes on-line. When this happens, we disinfect the lines by using chlorine.

When a notice is posted, users should choose one of these options as a self-protective measure: 1) secure drinking water from another approved source; 2) boil water used for consumption for five minutes; or 3) as a last resort, add 2 drops of bleach per quart and let the water sit for 30 minutes before drinking.

The Department of Environmental Quality has a website devoted to water quality. It does a good job of answering most questions dealing with water quality. You can also find our latest report filed on the Duquette Pines water system.

Our subdivision’s water system is managed according to a policy that limits water usage to normal household operation, which does not include water for large gardens, lawns, swimming pools or pasture. This helps ensure that we don’t run out of water during the summer and fall.

Clean drinking water is a finite resource. Our subdivision depends upon this resource. We do not know how much water is under our meadow. We do know that we have had to deepen wells to continue pumping adequate amounts of water to residents. In part, this is because of the sustained drought in Idaho and the West. Water conservation, therefore, seems like a prudent thing to support. So, please conserve water. It benefits all of us.

All properties in Duquette Pines are provided with access to water for fire suppression. The water is accessed through a valve located at the perimeter of each property (if you have community water). Otherwise, it is available at the fire hydrants locatedĀ  on Meadow Dr.

For water problems associated with the valve or other components of the fire suppression water system, please contact a Board member or the Property Manager.

Some properties in Duquette Pines obtain household water from Duquette’s central water system. For water problems associated with household use of water from subdivision wells, please contact any Board member.

Duquette Pines is not responsible for water problems associated with property owners’ private wells.